The Bad Boy's Good Girl

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If you're reading this book expecting to read a tale about some stupid 'good girl' fall for some ridiculous 'bad boy' then you have sadly come to the wrong book.

Here's the first thing you should know about me is just because I am a 'good girl' does not been I ever plan on falling for a 'bad boy'. Well I guess he was more commonly known as the bad boy. His name was Matthew Simmers although I was pretty sure his friends just called him Matt; he was the perfect guy in everyone's opinion but mine. He was rebellious, didn't listen to rules and was the most popular guy in school and honestly, those three reasons were enough to make me hate the guy. Of course, I hated him then, but then I actually met him and I don't think there was a word I felt for him; but I can promise that it was in no way near was much closer to attempted murder. Would the police believe me if I told them he was begging me? Without using his words. Without using any part of his body. Without writing me a note to say he wanted to die...yeah, maybe that wouldn't work to well.

But hey, its not like I didn't have my reasons because after all, I was every thing he was not. For a start I wasn't a guy last time I checked (which I hadn't checked in a while, so who knows?) but I wasn't popular or rebellious either. I was a nerd who barely knew what friend meant. I got A's in class and I followed every rule; I wasn't necessarily obedient but I did always try my best.

But here's the thing, both of us stood out: him for his popularity and me, for well, my lack of. And as funny as is sounds or unbelievable, I was happy with my life, I mean why wouldn't I be? I had everything I wanted, a loving family and future to do whatever I wanted, I was breezing through high school having the time of my life until Matthew Simmers decided to get involved and apparently I hadn't known what I was missing.

But even after a series of weird events that involved me and him together, I can honestly promise you that I would never, ever see him more then a possible reason to get myself in jail for murder.

I'm sure you picked it up, but in case you were as dum as that idiot, Matthew, we didn't get along that well.

And I could tell the feeling was mutual; after all, all Matthew thought about good girls was that they had a stick up there ass that hadn't come out since birth. They were snobby and bitchy and worried more about grades then living life.

And all I thought about bad boys was that they were irresponsible dickheads who cared more about getting into jail and getting raped by a 8 foot man called Tiny then having a life outside of high school.

All bad boys cared about was getting laid and getting drunk and all good girls cared about was keeping the stick up their ass (does that count as some type of vibrator? Not that I would know, I spent too much of my life studying...) and getting good grades.

As you could tell we had a really healthy relationship and spending the next few months with him was only bound to make it only healthier (note the sarcasm).


Yay! New book up! Haha yeah about updating the other books....

I will get on to it....

I promise! It just might take a while anyway hopefully you enjoy this and please comment and vote if you do because it is loved by me and if you do, I'll definitely try and check out your book, not that that is going to help you get millions of reads or anything but every read/vote/comment helps right?

Anyway this story hasn't been edited but hopefully you like it and I'm going to start writing more funny books then serious so hopefully this made you laugh like once although I must admit, for being funny, it wasn't very funny.

I think I just overused the word funny a bit but oh well! Enjoy and I will be updating this story in a few days..maybe less.

Cheers, xxxx


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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