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Emily POV

My heart was stopped and everything was dizzy, I tried to keep its all together.

voice-Emmy! you grew a lot since!
Em- DAD how did...(Wayne cut off me)
Wayne- you will see...(He let beautiful blonde girl in)
Em- Ali...?
Ali- Em (as she look down and blush)
Em- Did u just brought my dad back home?
Ali- Yea...(I cut her off)
Em- Ohhh I love you so much! (hugs Ali)
Jeez I can't stop hug her as she smell so good and...
Wayne- Ali as your u want stay for barbecue later?
Ali- Um...I think Cece and I got plann...(I cut her off with my pouts)
Ali- Aw...okay, I would like that (as she smiles)
Wayne- Great by the way its start at 6
Ali- that won't be a problem then...(chuckles)
Ahhh her dimples killed me...again
Ali- bye guys, I see you later Em...(she walks to her car)
Em- Ali wait...(as I run to her)
Ali- Yeah...?
Em- Can I have ur number?
Ali- Aw miss me?
Em- Yeah...just (Ali...cut me off)
Ali- Em I do know u well and (give me piece of paper with number written in)

As I look to it Ali put her hand to chin and pull me up to her beautiful eyes that I fallen in love with.

Ali- Call me later...(Ali kiss me on cheeks)
I felt so special ever since then, I Cant hold it anymore!
Em- Andd Hanna will be there too! (smiles)
Ali- Great (smiles and get in her car)
--------------Rosewood Mall--------------

I need update so shopping time I guess...ughhhh
Mona- Hello Bitch
Em- Hey (given her death stare)
Mona- um Yvonne need me and...(walks away quickly)
YAS I felt so good maybe that how I start my day!

After The Time JumpDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora