Chapter 1

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"That hurt princess" he said to me "ok well I'm gonna go to the head master and change rooms"  I said walking out the door "wait!" He yelled and ran out and jumped in front of me "you can't. He won't let you he'll say to bad trust me I tried last year I was stuck with this fat dude who cramped my style" he said

I giggled at that last part "I'm serious , I'm not that bad" he said "I doubt it" I said and he frowned. He looked so cute like a lost puppy. What am i saying I don't even know his name "I'm Haley , you are?" I said politely "I will tell you when we get back into our room" he said and started to walk back to the room so I followed.

When I walked in I didn't see him. Where the hell did he go. The door slammed behind me knocking me out of my thoughts causing me to jump. I turned around and he jumped onto my bed "ok now what's your name?" I asked and went and sat on his bed "It's Jay , and why are you sitting on my bed?" He asked and looked at me then the bed "well your sitting on mine and I don't want to sit next to you so..." I said trailing off.

Then he got off mine and sat next to me. So I moved over to mine "playing musical chairs?" He asked and chuckled. It was so hot. What? Haley shut up. "Ahm no like I said I don't want to sit next to you" I said. A look of hurt flickered  through his eyes for a short second I didn't realize I was staring into his eyes until he cleared his throat "I'm sorry" I simply said and started to lay down.

"Don't worry your not the first girl to check me out today" he said which caused me to roll my eyes "don't roll your eyes at me" he said and came over and jumped on me. Our foreheads touching. It was perfect where's my camera when I need it. Next thing I knew I was leaning in. And then he started to also but just when our lips were about to touch someone knocked on the door causing him to groan and get up to go get it.

The warmth left my body when he got up. Well thanks to whoever knocked on the door. I sat up and looked to see who was at the door. What I saw in this next moment made my heart drop. Jay was sucking a red headed girls face. They started to stumble and they fell on his bed I was staring until the girl said "you. Leave now. And shut the door behind you." And Jay just laughed and nodded. So I did just that.

I was walking around the park taking pictures when I bumped into to someone. "Oh I'm so sorry" I said and looked up and saw Jay. Ugh! Just the person I didn't wanna see at the moment "what are you doing here" I said annoyed "looking for you. you do realize it's 11:30 right?" He said looking amused. I checked my watch and sure enough it said 11:30. Wow I was walking for a while.

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend" I said braking the silence "she's not my girlfriend" he said "that not what it looked like" I replied sounding ruder then I wanted to. "She's just my fück buddy don't worry princess" he said chuckling. There's that cute little laugh again. Haley you need to stop don't let him distract you. To late. Ugh! "Let's go back to the dorm" he said. I nodded and we walked back.

When we got back I walked in and was horrified with what I saw on my bed. There was a thong! A thong on my bed! "Umm Jay?" I yelled at him "yes princess?" He yelled back. "THERE IS A THONG ON MY BED!" I screamed at him. He started laughing really hard. And my god I could have died it was hotter then his chuckle. "Alright I'll get it when I get out!" He yelled still laughing. "Where am I gonna lay until then?!" I screamed back "on my bed" he said still laughing "that's gross" I replied.

He opened the door and poked his head through a crack and said "we fücked on your bed" I went to pick up a pillow and just as it was flying through the air he had already shut the door "UGHHHHH" I screeched when it hit the wall then went over and lied on his bed.


As I was taking a shower I was thinking to myself. She's cute. She's really cute but I don't wanna hurt her. So I'm gonna act like I don't like her. "Fück" I cursed under my breath. about an hour later I walked out and saw her sleeping on my bed. She looked so peaceful. Like sleeping beauty. But she was on my bed so I woke her up and her eyes almost fell out her head when she saw me. I forgot I only had a towel on. "Like what you see?" I asked , smirked then turned around got clothes and walked back into the bathroom and got dressed.


He just woke me up and only had a towel on. My god I could have died. But he was an ass and ruined it saying I was checking him out. So I got up went over to my bed took off the covers that weren't there when I left and threw them on his bed and got new ones out of my bag and put them on.

I walked to the door and pounded on it and said "my turn". He walked out with no shirt on and sweats. As if he wasn't hot already. "Thank you" I said and walked in and took my shower I came out and there was a note on the door that said 'I took your bed cuz it was more comfortable then mine'. Asshole. So I walked over and pushed him off and he let out this girly scream and grabbed his leg after hitting the ground with a loud bang. I started laughing.

Next thing I knew I was on the floor. About to be in tears. My arm was bleeding. "Yo you good? My bad." He said looking worried. "I'm fine" I said and got up and walked into the bathroom to clean off my arm. When I was done I walked out and he was laying on his own bed snoring. I giggled it wasn't like a loud snore it was a soft one and was cute. There is no way I'm gonna be able to concentrate this year.


"Get up!" Jay screamed in my ear. "What why?!" I asked "its 9:00 we're late for class" he said. Shit. I said and got up and ran to the bathroom. When I was done I walked out and saw him laughing on the floor. "What's s funny?" I asked "it's orientation and it doesn't start till 2" he said between laughs "You ass!" I yelled at him then quickly covered my mouth. "You hurt my feelings" He said starting to pout.

"Whoops" I said and sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone "I didn't know you had a phone" he said in disbelief "Why would you think that?" I asked looking up at him "I haven't see you pull it out" he said looked at it "well I haven't seen you pull yours out but I didn't ask a dumb question like that did I?" I said looking at him with a duh face.

"Do I wanna know what you guys were talking about?" A random guy said from the door "Bro! I missed you!" Jay said and ran up to the boy "Nah man I don't do that gay shit" the guy said
Making me laugh "well well well who are you?" He asked eyeing me up and down. "I'm Haley" I said smiling at him showing my perfect teeth "well hello Haley" he said and winked at Jay.

"Don't even think about it" Jay said pulling him back to door "what do you want , what are you doing here and how did you know where my room was?" Jay said "nothing , I wanted to see you , and I screwed that red headed girl and she told me where" the guy said and Jay nodded "are you guys like brothers or something?" I asked "do we look like brothers?" They asked at the same time and fist bumped each other "ok then" I said trailing off "your hot did Jay fück you yet cuz if he didn't I will" he said while winking at me "I'm gonna go explore the campus nice meeting you" I said and walked out the door shutting it behind me.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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