Was I Wrong!

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This passed week I did some things that were questionably in the wrong.

On September 12 &14 was my dad and mom's birthdays. (OLD PEOPLE)

My dad got himself a gun for some reason, he will never use it. He has three others and they sit in the closet. My Mom got herself an ipad (she wanted me to get for her. too bad i'm poor). She doesn't know how to use it. But tells us (me & the children) not to touch it.

I got them homemade cards!!! (they were awesome)

My mom told me to tell her happy birthday on Facebook.

1. I don't really use facebook anymore since I got out of high school.

2. She is not my friend on facebook (I don't think you can write on ppls walls unless you're friends)

3. A few weeks ago I wanted to go somewhere with her and she told me "No cause you're not my friend."

So I told her upon request "No, cause you're not my friend."

Was I wrong? my dad says I am.

On Thursday and Friday I took my friend to and from school because her car had to get fixed. Being the good friend I am I even let her play her music  in the morning because the morning show  radio thing I listen to she didn't like. Her song of choice was Lady Gaga's You and I. She played it over and over and over and over again. To the point where now I know the song and can't get it out of my head! Good thing I'm not singing it out loud.

Friday afternoon I come out of class ready to go home! Her classes end before mine so she has to wait for me. I see her talking to this guy, I figure they are talkin about school or something cause she didn't look really enthusiastic. So instead of walking over there I text her.

She texted "Where the hell are you!!!!"

I tell her that I'm across the ways and ask who her friend is. I didn't want to be rude. (Really I was just being lazy. I didn't want to walk over there.)

She texted "Ewwww!!! skevy OLD MAN!!!! wants 2 c my feet. Get ur ass over here, this isnt cool old dude be pervin! hes 34! 30 fuckin 4! ugh! where are the hot young guys!!"

I just started laughing. I didn't get why she didn't just walk away instead of just sit there and talk to him. I waited about tens minutes before I went over to get her. The guy looked older than 34.

I laughed at her the whole way home. She told him personally stuff like how she didn't have a boyfriend and stuff. And the stuff she said he was saying was just making my stomach hurt I was laughing so hard. She should have just walked away.

Was I wrong for leaving her alone? She's a big girl she can take care of herself. Was I wrong for laughing? Was I wrong for telling her that might see this guy around school for the rest of the year?

Was I wrong? I think not.

Weekly RandomsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon