Chapter 1

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Media is Toby


"Toby? Toby. Tobias!"

I woke with a start at Mama's angry snap and began to sink low in my seat under her glare.

"Toby! This is the third day in a row that you've fallen asleep while I'm trying to teach you!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Mama. I haven't been able to sleep for the past couple days..." I apologized.

Her face softened and she put her hand on my cheek, causing me to look up at her in surprise.

Even though she was now in her late thirties, she still looked as young as I remember her to be.

She now has laugh lines in the corner of her eyes, and her eyes seem to hold a sense of wisdom in them now.

But she'll always be Mama.

"You've gotten so old, Toby." She smiled sadly. "Where has the time gone?"

"Well, Mama. I am nineteen now. And the twins are sixteen." I began.

Mama gave me a look that caused me to stop and sighed heavily. She went to say something but stopped as the door slowly opened to reveal Alice.

She stood there nervously for a moment before stepping in the rest of the way.

Her long black hair was tied up in a messy ponytail and her blue eyes were determined as she stalked toward Mama.

"Mama. I need your help." She stated.

Mama raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, allowing for Alice to finish.

"I want Mom to train me in sword fighting." She finished.

Mama went pale. She reached for Alice's hand as she spoke, "Ali, dear, is that wise for you in your condition...?"

Alice swatted Mama's hand away angrily. "I'm fine! If you and Mom won't help me then I'll have to find someone else!"

"Alice!" Mama called but she was already out the door and gone. Mama watched the door slowly close behind her with a sad expression.

I stood up from the desk and turned to Mama with a strained smile. "It's ok. I'll go get her."

Mama returned my forced smile with one of her own but the worried look never left her eyes.

I quickly left Mama and ran through the corridors in search of Alice. A few servants said they saw her run by but they couldn't say where she went.

After thinking for a few moments, I turned and ran. I knew exactly where she would have gone.

I came to slow stop in front Mom's study.

I could hear their voices coming through the door in hushed tones.

"It's not fair!" Sobbed a hurt Alice.

"It's only to keep you safe." Soothed a worried Mom.

I pushed the door open as quietly as I could but they both noticed my presence immediately.

Mom smiled softly at me as I entered. "Hello, Toby." She greeted, giving me a softer version of her close eyed smile.

Alice humphed loudly and crossed her arms, refusing to meet my eyes as she spoke. "I know you agree with Mama. So just leave me alone."

I chuckled and walked over to where she was curled up on the pillow that was placed on the window sill.

I patted her on the head and grinned at her. "Actually, I wanted to ask if it was okay if I trained you instead?"

She snapped her head to me, her blue eyes wide with surprise and gratitude. "Really? Toby, thank you!"

She threw her arms around me and I returned the embrace, my face slightly heating up as I felt her chest rub against my own.

Mom must have noticed my face but she didn't say anything as she kindly kicked us out of her study so she could work in peace.

Alice walked ahead of me with a new spring in her step, giving all the passing servers beaming smiles and some hugs.

I watched as she did. My eyes never leaving her.

I know I shouldn't, but I feel for her in a way that isn't brotherly.

I wish she would hug me again...

As we continued on, Alice suddenly froze before racing down the hallway as fast as she could.

The poor guy didn't know what hit him.

She tumbled right into Alex, knocking her brother down onto the ground as she squealed in delight.

"Alex! You're back!" She cried happily.

He laughed quietly and gently pushed her off so he could stand.

Pushing back his strawberry blonde bangs, he opened his green eyes and looked over at me behind Alice.

"Hi, Alice. Hi, Toby. It's good to be back." He greeted us both with a smile.

Alex had gone off on a diplomatic visit to a neighboring country that wasn't too fond of us.

There were hopes of reconciliation, but all of it had depended on Alex's visit.

"How did it go?" Alice blurted out.

I resisted the urge to smack the back of her pretty little head but instead rested on just shouldering past her over to Alex.

"Alice, you know that he can't tell you that until he talks to Mom and Mama." I said jokingly, but I knew she had also noticed Alex's carefree smile fall.

Oh this day is already going so well.

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