Gone Wasted

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*Skyler POV*

I lost count after the fifth drink, but one thing was for sure my head would be killing me tomorrow, but then again I really didn't care. I was drunk, tired,hurt, and sad all at ones. I felt so miserable sitting in that bar, drink after drink I choked them down. 'Another one', I told the bartender he saw me with pity but handed it over. 'What a miserable bitch', was the only thing I could say. 'What a fucking god damn bastard bitch!' the bartender hadn't asked me anything in the past hour or so till now.
Who exactly is this Umm... Bitch that you've been murmuring 'bout?- He asked as he leaned on the counter.
I looked around the bar , 'me?' I asked as I pointed to myself although I was the only person in the bar besides him, I felt the urge to ask.
He laughed at the comment,' who else would I be talking to, beautiful?' he said. 'So what is it that is bothering you?'
I laughed sarcastically and dry, 'It is a long miserable story, I dont think you want to y
hear bout it.' He just stared at me with a smirk in his face. He just looked at me he didnt move an inch. So I knew he wouldn't leave until he knew. 'So... My boyfriend Well...my ex-boyfriend actually... Well I caught him sleeping with someone.'
I kept my eyes on the little cup, as I played with it passing it from finger to finger.Then in a soft voice, almost a whisper I said, '. . .and it was with my best friend.'
After that it was silent all over again.When I was about to pay the bartender said that was on the house, he said my day was pretty screwed up already; with that I left and headed to my hotel room tumbling now and then. Yet I managed to make it to my room before falling on my face.

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