chapter 1 the first day at school

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Well I woke up and I just stared at my roof and realized I don't know who I am and my mom keeps screaming Trevor get up now and I kept spacing out so she smacked me I went to the bath room and said who am I three times then this thing happens I don't know how to explain it but I was not me and then I think I fell asleep but I woke up and there was blood in my closet I was scared to open it so I did it anyways and I found a little girl saying help me I asked who r u and she disappears into the wall so I tryed to follow her but then I woke up again and I was at school so I just went to class and did my work on my way home this guy kept following me saying hey emo and I said don't call me that and he punched me I fell I woke up with a knife in me and I was crying cuz I was scared the thing is though I did not feel it it was there but no pain I dissent know what to do so I called for help and that little girl came back and helped me up and said I can't feel pain so I was determined to get revenge on those kids that bullied me so I let them punch me and kick me and then I realized I should use this for good or bad I don't know and I said I cont do anything till I figure out who I am on the inside

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