williot chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As Elliot sat alone in the tower, deep inside the Earth, reflecting on all that had gone on over the past few weeks, just one thing kept passing through her mind. Will. Images of him flashing through her head, each blurring into the next as she reminisced on everything they had been through together. From the first time they had laid eyes on each other that fateful day in the deeps when she and Drake had essentially saved him and Chester from being captured by the Styx, to the very last time she ever saw him, laying on the hood of that car being eaten alive by Armagi. She was stricken with grief as it really began to sink in that she would probably never see him again and didn’t even know if he was still alive. She was completely alone in this inner-world and had absolutely no clue what lay ahead for her in the future. All that she knew was that Earth itself was on a journey back to where they had all came from, which even she didn’t know exactly where that was. All the other Styx were dead, including her father, whom of which she had never truly gotten to know. She knew that when she had initiated the re-call, that it had meant that she would never see Will or any other topsoiler ever again and that she would be trapped in the inner world for the rest of her time. But it was the only way she could’ve stopped the Armagi and saved the world. Now that she looked back on it she was filled with pride. Even though she didn’t fully understand what was happening and, she had no way of confirming this, but she knew that Drake and her father and everybody else that had lost their lives at the hands of the Styx would’ve been proud of her. She knew that she had done the right thing. There was just one problem, now there was a massive swirling pit of despair and loneliness in the center of her soul that only one person could help to fill. And that person was back up on the surface, and she didn’t know if he was even still breathing, especially now that Earth was hurtling through space away from its thought to be source of life, the Sun. She wondered if that meant that everyone on the surface was doomed because of lack of atmosphere maybe even starvation. She really didn’t know what was happening back on the surface other than her one and only was somewhere….or not. No, she had a feeling that he was still alive, that there was some chance that maybe Jiggs had removed the Armagi pod and that he had lived. Seeing as Elliot practically grew up in the Deeps with Drake, running and hiding from the Styx, she had never really had time to feel love for anyone. Now that she knew what true love felt like, she could hardly bear the thought of never seeing Will again. She would’ve given anything to have an idea of what was going on up there. Then an idea came to her. She hadn’t tried working any of the gadgets in the tower in quite some time, figuring they wouldn’t work at all if the Earth was still being maneuvered through space, seeing as it was very likely that the tower itself was the inter-working part that was guiding them through the universe. She decided to climb the many flights of stairs to what she had begun referring to as the control room. On her way up she was getting rather excited because for some reason she had a very good feeling about the control room and the likely hood that it may actually offer her some sort of inside peek as to what was going on up in London, where she had last seen Will. As she reached the control room she looked around and everything seemed to be as she had last left it, and the hopefulness seemed to drain out of her as she was expecting to at least feel some form of energy, like she had the first time she and Will had entered the tower. Assuming the Earth’s hurtling through space would’ve more than likely knocked the satellites that had been delivering the live feeds of Earth  out of service , she walked around the large circular room a few times taking everything in before laying her hand in roughly the same spot she had before, hardly expecting it to do much of anything. To her amazement, the area she had placed her hand glowed that warm and familiar blue hue that it had so many weeks before and the walls around her were filled will one continuous image of the surface of the Earth. Taken aback, she moved her hand away and thought for a moment as to how it was possible that the satellites could be still up and running. Then it occurred to her that maybe they had been within the atmosphere and as the Earth began to travel through space the atmosphere had gone with it. This also meaning that, if this was in fact the case, life may be still sustainable on the surface. There was still a chance that Will was alive. She couldn’t just sit idly by if there was even a glimmer of hope that her one true love was out there. She had to get to him. And from this point forward, no matter what got in her way, she would stop at nothing to find him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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