Part 1

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I encountered someone and changed my life.
He is Jesus, my redeemer.

Nowadays, there are so many people who stands to shout out that there is no forever. I sees they comes from bitterness. They are always referring with their shattered love stories. And just.. I can't avoid to feel a bitterness for them too. 'Coz for I know.. no one is permanent in this world. People are meant to gone anytime, accept it. So what they are fighting for?
I believe, the only one can prove forever is none other than the Lord. He gives life. He saves life.

Year 2013, in a month of summer. I started to use a phone. We had a lot of time to do what we wanted to do because it's our vacation. And just.. I really get addicted of texting. I'm awake on evening to midnight and I'm asleep on morning to afternoon. I just enjoyed over using my free time to be like that.
And time has come that we will enter to school again for a whole weekdays. For saturdays and sundays. I rest and text later. When I'm on school, I used to listen with my teachers for our lectures and at the same time, I'm texting and keeping my phone where no one can see. That was the time I felt tiredness and laziness for studying. I remember, I had said that texting is my life. I love people who talks to me with, it makes my day relaxing, and by texting.. I really forget those things in this world that bothers me.
And time has come, one friend invited me for a Bible study. And I easily rejected his request. 'Coz for I know, it's all about God and it's boring I swear.
And one week had passed. That one friend invited me again for a second time. For this time, I responded for his request. I joined with their Bible study, they calls it a "Cellgroup." I really don't have an ideas about. There is someone who teaches words of God. Reading verses in the Bible. Sharing the goodness of God. And asking some personal questions. And oh, this is my turn. She asked me, "what's the greatest thing had the Lord made you?"
Loading.. loading.. my tears goes down. I bravely shared the greatest tragedy in my life. Way back year 2012, month of november.. one 18 wheeler truck collided me. My left feet was the most affected of the accident. And look.. my life continued. I'm alive and my feet just recovered, it's not broken. After all, I discovered the greatfulness of God. And it's just touches my heart. Oh, how sweet is the Lord.. though I thought I was the worst child of Him. I've never mind Him in my whole life but He's always there, saving me in all circumstances.
For my first time in Cellgroup, I've never missed to join with it again. After being active on cellgroup, they had invited me to go on Church. Here, I've always feel the presence of the Lord. The messages of the preaches really touches our lives. We used to pray, sing, and dance for the Lord. I know, that's the real purpose of life; to serve God.

Since I encountered Him, the whole me had changed; my ways and my principles of life.
With the business of God; attending in Cellgroups, Sunday services, Prayer works, and many more activities. My bad attitudes and my ways; for how to think, how to talk, and how to move.. are getting better. It helps a lot for me to mold my personal character.
My principles of life before was just a "happy go lucky." I do it because I want it. I'll accept it's consequences whatever it takes. But , I'm on the Lord's hands now and my life was getting colorful and full of sense. Whatever I do, I do it for the glory of God. I do something that causes me to eternal value.

I'm on the darkest side of life. Living in a comfort zone. Having a hidden face. No one cares about me. I am nothing. But since I allow the Lord to handle my life, I got my purpose. I've seen my part here in this world. I dedicated my life to God. Forever is us. His love brings me to eternal life.

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