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This book is dedicated to every person who has ever looked into a mirror and

thought, “I’m not good enough.”

With special thanks to all the people who have convinced me I am good enough.

To my mom and dad, who encouraged my talents; and to the teachers who

honed those gifts. To my husband, who gathered me in, and to my children,

who taught me patience. To my cadre of friends who prop me up when I need

it. To Ash Canyon Poets, who helped grow my poetry, and SCBWI, which showed

me the way.

To my agent, Laura Rennert, and the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. To my editor

and friend, Emma Dryden. To the whole crew at Simon & Schuster who help my

books be the best they can be. To teachers and librarians, who share my books

with their kids. And, finally, to my readers, who keep faith in me.

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