Someone Saved My Life Tonight

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Someone saved my life tonight. I'm not really sure who it was. All I know is he has a heart of a superhero. I'm almost sure that time stopped while I was in his presence. I'm not a storyteller and definitely not a "wordslinger" but I have to write this down. Tomorrow, I may not remember any of the events from tonight. Lets call this man or thing, that saved my life, Mr. S. I had a decent day up until about four hours ago. I was driving home from the bar, O'Doora's (my night time job) when out of nowhere five figures appeared in the middle of the road about five feet from my 1994 Mercedes. I had to slam on my breaks but it didn't do much good. Each figure was about eight feet tall and they resembled human beings. Even now, with my brain trying to tell me everything that happened wasn't real, they didn't really look that human at all. The giant human figures, that seemed more like monsters, had long white hair that isn't really look like hair, but more like ropes hanging down from their scalps. So when I had to slam on my breaks, I knew I was going to hit whoever or whatever these things were, no matter how hard I tried to stop; but instead when I hit them, it felt as though I slammed into a brick wall. The blow, that would have likely killed a human being, didn't faze these creatures at all. They didn't even move an inch, although it made my airbag deploy and my face slam into it, breaking my nose. I couldn't raise my head for a couple minutes after the crash. When I finally was able to life my head again, I looked up and these creatures were all around my car. They were holding hands, or really, I should say they were holding claws. I never got a good look at their faces because they had old western hats on, that immediately made me thing of what a gunslinger would wear. The hats shadowed their faces. They started chanting something that didn't sound like a human language. It sounded so creepy that I froze while my mind was trying to convince me I wasn't going insane. It was a good thing I was wearing my seatbelt when I hit them because if I hadn't been wearing it, I would have probably flew out of my windshield. When I finally got the strength to move again, the first thing I tried to do was unlatch the seatbelt; but I'd course, it was stuck. The creatures continued to chant in their creepy language while I struggled to get free from the belt. I started freaking out so bad that I finally thought to grab my brothers pocketknife that I remembered was in the glove box. I opened the glove box, while the chanting around me was getting louder and scarier, and reached for the pocketknife. As soon as I got a grip on the knife, it turned bright red. The creatures had stopped me from cutting myself free by somehow heating up my brothers pocketknife so fast that it burned me. Immediately I dropped the knife and screamed from the pain going through my right hand. It dropped to the floor on a piece of cigarette wrapper and caught on fire. When that happened, I started panicking even more. Just before I was about to hurt myself trying to get free from the seat belt by twisting and turning from my panic, I looked out of the car window. My car was levitating off the ground about two feet. It was rising higher as the creatures with claws and ripe hair continued to chant. By that time, the car had filled up with smoke and I could hardly breathe. The passengers seat quickly caught in fire, burning the right side of my body. All I could wonder was why I hadn't passed out yet. I actually started praying to pass out so the pain would stop. Shortly after, even though it felt like a lifetime, my prayer seemed to have been answered. Before I passed out though, I had a chance to look out of my window one more time and I notices that the creatures were glowing bright yellow. Their arms were lifting my car up with some sort of invisible force. Just as I got the quick glance out of my window, I felt the car jerk down suddenly and crash into the ground. Everything went black. When I came to, I couldn't see anything because one of my eyes was bruised shut and the other one was burned so badly that I wasn't even sure I had it anymore. I wasn't on fire anymore, for that matter I wasn't even in my car anymore. I didn't know where I was. I still don't know where I was but I could feel the presence of those horrible creatures standing around my body. My first thought was to try to call for help. I wanted to scram but when I tried, nothing came out. I decided to try to run away instead but I couldn't see anything so I started kicking at the creatures. Some sort of liquid was dropping on my face as I kicked. I realized something wasn't right. I was kicking but the weight of my legs was different. Lighter. My legs had been cut off up to my thighs. When I realized the liquid was my own blood pouring out of me from attempting to kick the monsters, I actually succeeded in letting out a scream, piercing my own eardrums. Suddenly I felt claws on my arms, ripping my flesh right from the bone. I could hear slurping and chewing. I think they were eating my flesh; eating me alive. While I was hoping it would all be over soon, I heard the creatures start up their creepy communication. Then I felt their presence leave and they were gone. Finally alone, all I could think about was trying to find something to kill myself with because I was in so much pain. It hurt to even move a little but I had to find something to end my life with because I wasn't going to be able to take that pain much longer. I accepted that my last feelings were going to be agonizing pain and I preferred not to have it last any longer than I could help. So I started feeling around with my unharmed arm while still lying down. I felt hard surface under my body and while I moved my hand around, I realized I was lying on concrete. You would think the cold concrete would be a relief on my burning body but it seemed to make me feel worse. I could feel my burning skin and half eaten flesh scraping against the rough concrete as I searched. I finally felt something hit my hand while searching. I reached back in the direction where I had felt it and something jabbed into my left hand. It felt like a piece of glass. Without even thinking twice about it, I pulled the glass out of my hand. I didn't even say a prayer before I aimed the glass for my throat; but before I even for an inch away from my neck, some invisible force stopped the glass from piercing my jugular and making me chock on my own blood and die that sweet death of relief. I didn't know it at the time, but it was Mr. S saving my life. The glass just disappeared from my hand and I screamed a frustrated scream of pain and agony. I didn't think I could go though anymore torture. Having my hopes crushed of relieving my pain, was worse than getting my nose broke, catching on fire, and having my flesh eaten from my bones while still conscious, all put together. I was lying there hoping for the pain to stop when I was suddenly jerked up from the cold ground (by what I had assumed was another of the monsters.) I isn't even scream because I didn't have the strength anymore. I just accepted the pain that I thought was going to come next, but instead I realized the pain was slowly starting to go away. I thought to myself that maybe my nerves had finally stopped working from burning away and I just couldn't feel pain anymore. Immediately after that thought, I realized I was able to open my eyes a little. By the time I could open my eyes completely, all the pain I had been experiencing was gone and where my stumps had been, were legs again. My right eye was perfect, my nose wasn't broken and none of my skin looked like it had ever been melting from my bones or ripped away. I looked around and what I saw was so beautiful that I had to close my eyes again from the bright glow. After my eyes got used to the brightness, because I had been in the dark so long, I saw a creature standing in front of me that looked pure gold but was somehow so much more beautiful. I can't even put it into words. He, or it, was also glowing as the scary creatures had been, except with his glow, I could feel beauty. It felt like I was experiencing heaven and everything good that there ever was in the universe, all at once. It was orgasmic. Suddenly I realized I wasn't even breathing. He literally took my breath away until I had no choice but to take a deep breath so I wouldn't pass out again. He didn't have a face. Where his face should have been, was only a smooth surface, like a mannequin. I would like to say he was an angel but he was so much more and so much better than I had ever even imagined an angel would be. I stared at him for what seemed like a million and one years in awe, until finally he lifted his arm out an put his claw out gesturing me to grab hold. I didn't hesitate even for a second. I grabbed his claw and when my skin met his beautiful glow, I for shivers and gooseflesh over my whole body. It felt like I did the biggest hit of heroin, but heroin that was made by God out of unicorn breath and every mythical creatures magic put together. Even now, thinking back to how bad I felt when I was hurt from the car crash and creature attack, I know I would do it all over again just so I could feel that feeling I got when I felt his claw, his glow, his magic. While holding his claw, he pulled me close and wrapped his body around my body. It must have felt so amazing because my mind can't even grasp how I felt at that moment. The memory is just gone, until I was in my home about two hours ago. We were standing in my living room, not holding each other anymore. Mr. S continued to stand in front of me and then once again reached his claw out. This time he touched my face. I got that magical feeling again and with that feeling, I also received thoughts that were not my own. He spoke to me with his mind. With his claw still on my face he told me in thought about the events that had taken place not so long ago. His thoughts told me everything would be okay and I would never have to experience those bad feelings again. The creatures I had encountered were not from here and they would never be able to return to this planet; I should never be scared again because even though I would never see him again, he will always be protecting me by never letting me be in harms way again. In my thoughts I asked him if he was God and his reply was a simple head shake. Then he was gone. I. Don't think I even blinked. I miss his presence but I don't think I will ever be scared again knowing he is out there somewhere watching over me. I know I can't see him again but ever since his glow touched me, I can feel him all around me, protecting me. I can't imagine feeling any better than I did when I met him and as I do right now. He's gone but I can still feel him. Someone saved my life tonight and he cured me from everything bad or evil that could ever have happened to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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