Scaring lady

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Amae's pov:

I was at my uncle's ranch enjoying my time since school was hell and it was to hot to stay in bed , plus i love the horses .I connect with them better then my own species , I let lady out into the pasteur so she could run while I got Dixie my horse ready to ride. I was buckling the last bit of the saddle on when I heard a group of quads from over the hill in the pasteur , I ignored it and continued to finish. My uncle Steve came running and ask where lady was . "I let her in the pasteur for a bit " I said , the we heard lady cry out , my uncle Steve gave me a look I jumped on Dixie riding grab my hat and a walkie talkie form my uncle Steve .

I got just over the hill and stopped Dixie , to look around for Lady . I spotted her buy the fence being scared by four guys one of them reving there engine scaring her ...

I rode as fast as i could , telling Dixie to stop a little away from Lady as I run up to her . She was bucking front leg in the air crying out , she saw my face and came down hanging her head as soon as she was calm I called Dixie over and grabbed my walkie talkie. From my saddle to tell uncle Steve Lady was coming his way ...

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