Larroth Laurence/Garroth

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This is the starter my friend suggested. Hope you enjoy.

Laurence pov: "How does Aphmau watch this pony stuff? It's so....girly and weird." I look over at Garroth as he watched intently as the ponies solved some sort of friendship problem, he is determined to understand why Aphmau like this. "I don't know Laurence but I going to find out!" I just chuckle at his determination. Then I get an idea. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom I'll be right back." He doesn't move from his spot. "Ok just wash your hands after." I nod and walk away. Before I reach the bathroom I make a turn and run into Garroth's room. Hehe I'll find out all his plans to get Aphmau and then I will be able to beat him!

I search his dresser and his closet but I find nothing. Then I notice something peeking out from under his pillow. "Jackpot!" I rush over to his bed and grab the object. "A diary?" I didn't think Garroth was the diary type but he is a pretty sensitive guy.

I make sure he isn't getting up before opening the diary. "Ok here we go. I was hanging out with Laurence the other day and it made me so happy to see him smile with me." Weird but there is probably something about Aphmau somewhere. "I feel my feelings for Aphmau slowly dwindling with each passing day, I think it's all because of Laurence. I feel that I want to spend more time with him every time I see him. When he is near my chest pounds and my stomach ties in knots.

"Wait what does this mean? Does Garroth like me? I mean he is a great guy and all but...Aphmau. What would Aphmau think? She is everything I want in a partner. She's smart, beautiful, daring, and has a good heart. But Garroth has good traits to I mean like his noble spirit, his kind heart, great personality, and handsome blue eyes. Wait wait!! No not handsome just very nice!

Okay maybe he'll explain further in the dairy. "I talked to Aphmau about the feelings that I have been having for Laurence lately and she said she understood. She also explained to me what exactly they were and I....I think I love him? But he wouldn't love me back, he loves Aphmau and he would hate me if I told him. Thanks for listening diary."

I just looked at the diary with shock. He loves me and I didn't even know. I mean he didn't give hints or anything at all. My stomach lurched around as I heard his footsteps coming toward the door. "Hey Laurence I'm going to order but I'm getting my wallet so don't worry about paying ok!" He opens the door suddenly and I quickly put the diary behind my back. "Oh there you are. What are you doing in my room?" I felt sweat on my forehead as I try to think of an excuse.

"Um just...Wrong door?" He gives me a weird look but then his eyes wander to my hands behind my back. "Laurence what's that?" He walks toward me with a skeptical look. "It's nothing just go away!" He quickly grabs the diary from behind me. "L-Laurence?! Did you read this?!" My face goes red. "You did didn't you!" I look at my feet. "Garroth why didn't you tell me?" His face goes red too. "I was afraid Laurence, afraid you would leave me and hate me." I stand up walk towards him.

"Garroth I could never hate you and I would never leave you." I grab his chin and lift his face towards mine. "And I think it's time we stopped chasing Aphmau and started chasing each other." With that I kissed him. Sparks flew and he kissed back. My arms were around his waist while his arms were around my neck.

We pull apart and look into each other's eyes. "I love you Laurence." He smiles at me. "I love you too Garroth."

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