Because of a Box

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Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything except the plot and Ariana Lily Potter.

"Ari! There is a blue and black striped box in the attic, can you please bring it down Lily Potter yelled upstairs to her daughter.

"Kay, Mom!" she screamed back. Ariana was a very attractive girl. She had beautiful red hair streaming down her back, medium-brown eyes, skinny, a fashionista, a bit short, and also very fragile looking. Ari was almost a living replica of Lily, except the eyes. She had her father's eyes. She is really nice when you meet her for the first time or if you are in her good side. Everyone always starts on her good side. If you get on her bad side though …. Well say hello to living hell. Ari is very nice when she wants to be, but not so much so great when she wants to be. For your own good, stay on her good side.

Ariana went to Camelot Academy here in the States. She just finished her first year there. Ari was a very smart kid just like her mother. Her best subjects are defence against the dark arts and potions. The twelve-year old also was a big fan of quidditch which she got from her dad. Her wand was an eleven inches, redwood, with a dragon heartstring. She came back from Camelot a little less than a month ago.

Ariana Lily Potter was an only child. She had had an older brother, Harry, who died before she was born. He was only one when Lord Voldemort murdered him. According to her parents, Harry was alone in the nursery, while both of her of parents were downstairs in the kitchen. They regret leaving him alone up there. They would have tried to stop the Dark Lord from killing him. They blamed themselves for not hearing Voldemort coming in. Ariana wished she could have met Harry, but she knew that was impossible- even if she and her family were all wizards. She never mentioned harry to anyone. One, she didn't want them to know, and two, Harry was a very touchy subject for not only her parents, but also her godfathers. Remus Lupin was her godfather, while Sirius Black was Harry's godfather.

Ariana went up to the attic to find the box her mother had mentioned. While she was looking for the certain blue and black striped box, another box caught her eye. In big bold black letters it said: HARRYI have got to see that, she thought.

Ari quickly found the box she was sent to look for, went downstairs to give it to her mom, and ran as fast as she could back to the attic. There was a certain desperation in her for that box. She always wanted to learn more about her older brother, but she knew better than to ask.

Ariana swept off the cob webs urgently, and opened it up. Inside were many pictures, baby toys, and infant clothes. The pictures held a cute little baby about a year old with her dad's uncontrollable raven hair and her mother's brilliant green eyes. For some reason the picture brought tears to the young girl's eyes. The twelve-year old's red hair swept by her shoulders, and her brown eyes, that she inherited from her dad, welled up with tears. She always had wanted an older brother to look up to, but she obviously missed her chance.

Ari then had a feeling that her parents were running away from their problems other than facing them; running away from their past. A terrific idea clicked in her head. She was going to force her parents to face their past. England, here come the Potter! Unfortuneately, she then realized that her plan idea would be worthless if her parents wouldn't co-operate.

"We shall face our fears or past or whatever you want to call it!" she screamed to no one. By the time Ari came downstairs to the kitchen, her father, James Potter, was home.

"Sweetie, Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony are coming for dinner. Thought you might want to know," her father told her excitedly.

"Yes!" she cheered.

"Uh-oh," her mom groaned, " any immature business from either you or Sirius, you two will be very sorry."

"What about Moony," her father half whined and half questioned with jelousy.

"He has at least some sense unlike you two," Lily replied conveying that Sirius and James didn't. Ari hated admitting it, but her mother was right. Her father and godfather acted like five-year olds sometimes and it would get really annoying at times. The four adults all went to Hogwarts in England, and her father, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, called themselves the Maurauders. They were all a group of pranksters. This really annoyed Lily, but she loved James nonetheless.

After dessert, Remus, Lily, and Ari, cleared up the table, while James and Sirius were in deep conversation. Lily was sending worried glances at the two; she was getting a bit suspicious. Ariana went to sit back down at the table while Moony and her mother were finishing up the last bits.

"You guys," Ari startyed tentatively when her mother and godfather returned to the table, "we should move back to England."

There was a stunned silence. The four adults were looking at the young twelve-year old with blank faces. They didn't move or say anything, which caused Ari to look down at her lap. She wasn't sure for what to do or say. Remus then broke the silence, "Erm, not to go against your idea or anything, but why?"

"Many reasons. One, because that is our home town. Two, Harry died there; he is your son. Three I have some type of good feeling about going there." Ariana responded.

"Honey, we all moved here because Harry died. You should understand that it is very hard for us," James told her gently.

"Isn't that the whole point dad, you guys have to face your past. You guys are running away from it, it's only going to become worse," she tried to explain to her dad.

After she said this the adults came to an agreement with their eyes. "We'll think about it hun. For now how about you go to bed?" Lily told her.

"Okay," at least she tried she told herself

A/N: Do you guys like it? Please review!

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