look me in the eye and tell me your not lying

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Hattie's POV

"Do not look at me, speak to me or even make a sound because if you do I will hurt you" he wispered "but your already hurting me" I hissed "what did I just say" he shouted at me and slapped me in the face "you told me not to speak" I said back and looked him squarely in the face "and I also told you not to look at me" he hissed back and slapped me in the face, when he got no reaction he slapped me again "there's no point slapping me or telling me what to because i'm not  scared of you no-more and you don't hurt me anymore" I shouted.

I have put up with this for the last 3 years, because my mum died and my dad blamed me for killing her so he punishes me by abusing me, he says that he will never stop and will make me suffer for what 'I did' for the rest of my life. We both knew what happened to mum because the police told us, when they came round dad begged them to take me away from him but they wouldn't, so then when they went he finally cracked and told me that even the police don't want me because I was selfish and they wouldn't be able to look after me because of how self-centred I am and how greedy and ugly and spiteful I was so I just walked out of the house and went 'missing' for a week but he knew exactly were I was, I was at my Nan's house were I always go when I needed space, but he still got the police out and purposely sent them on a wild goose chase so he could go get me from my Nan's house and take me home before they went to look there, because the thing with my nan's house is the fact that she died years ago but no-one knew, only me, mum and unfortunately dad, but people did start to notice that my nan didn't come out of the house any-more so we made it up that she was really ill and to top it off she had fallen down the stairs and broke her leg so she wasn't allowed out of the house, so long story short we faked her illness to keep the house so now I go to there when I need space.

"fine if you think I cant hurt you no-more then go get out of my house and come back in a year and then we will see if you still think it doesn't hurt" he shouted his face going a horrible shade of purple "fine then, see you in a year" I screamed and picked up my shoes and walked to the door, my dad following me all the way, I opened the front door and went to walk out but my dad grabbed my arm and span me around and slapped me in the face as hard as he could "hopefully this will remind you that you have to come back in a year" he hissed and spat at my feet then slammed the door in my face. So i walked out to the back garden where there was a entrance to a forest, as soon as i walked into the forest i was at ease, i love the the forest i think i must have got it from my mum because she was always going out and would come out of the forest a few hours later, thats where i met Lex's perents, Lex is my little wolf, but a few weeks after the pups were born her perent's were killed by hunters so i looked after the pups, i would go out and bring them food, but then they grew up and went to find a pack since they got abandoned by there's, but i was attached to Lex and Lex to me so she discided to stay with me but when my mum died my dad wouldn't let me out of the house so Lex had to find food and she didn't see me as much but then i would sneek out at night to see her once my Dad was asleep. when i got further into the forest i heard Lex howl and i smiled when i saw her ran around the corner, but hen i stopped when i saw the urgant look on her face "Lex what's wrong" i said as she started tugging on my arm, the last ime she did this was when she was a pup and her mum and dad were shot, so i knew i was something to do with a wolf, so i let her guide me to were the wolf was. 

When i got to the wolf i saw i was a lot bigger than Lex 'must be a male' i thought but it looked bigger than the other male wolves i had seen in forest 'might be a different type' but then i remebered that the wolves in this forest were the biggest in the world, but when i went and looked at it closer i saw it had eyes like me then i suddenly remebered  my  mum telling me about human being able to turn werewolf but i thought it was just a fairy tale she had told me, when i looked at his eyes again, our eyes locked, he had the most amazing green eyes i can't be falling in love with a wolf, Hattie control yourself' i shouted in my head, then i looked at the wolf again wondering what i should do 'think Hattie think' i said to myself hitting myself lightly in the head, then i suddenly had an idea, when i found the wolves that day i checked them over to see what was wrong with them, so i started arkwardly checking the wolf to see if it had any wounds and i found none on one side so i tried rolling it over but i howled in pain, "what's wrong" i asked the wolf, as if it was going to answer me, it tried to because it whined and put it's head on top of my knees, so i stroked it's head lightly, then lex bouned up to me and rubbed her head on mine and put her paw on my shoulder "aww little Lex jealous" i said and stroked her back, suddenly she backed off and looked and the wolf then me and then looked at the wolf again "what's wrong lex" i said, worried, and looked down at the wolf, then i noticed i had blood on my trousers, i shoved the wolf off of me and rolled him over in the prosess and i gasped, there was a very deep scratch all down his shoulder and part of his leg "what did this to you" i said barely able to talk, just after i had said that the wolf tried to stand up but flopped back down to the floor "please don't push yourself" i pleaded, but the wolf just growled and tried to stand up again "stop it" i shouted at the wolf as it hurt itself again and both the wolf and Lex growled at me and it limped off behind the nearest tree "what are you doing" i wondered out loud and tried to follow it but Lex pulled on my sleve to hold me back "lex get off" i yeld "i need to see what's wrong with him" but she yanked on my sleve even harder, then i suddenly heard a gasping noise and Lex let go of me and went to see what happened,  i saw her look at the wolf and cock her head to the side then she looked at me willing me to come over.

I got up slowly and walked over, expecting the worst,  but all i saw was the feet of a man and i slowly looked up, suddenly realising sooner rarther than later that he was completly naked so i covered my eyes and using the trees to i made my way up to his head then i slowly took my hand from my eyes and looked down at him, it turned out i was stood inches away from his face and he was flinching hoping i wouldn't walk on him "hey it's alright"  i cooed, slowly going down on my knees, and he opened his eyes and looked at me then slowly looked down at his body "ohh dear" he said weakly and tried turning his body away, but moaned as he hurt himself, "don't" i said and held onto his arm, suddenly  i felt tingles go straight through my whole body and i gasped slightly  and he looked at me with his eyes wide open and he grabbed my arm tightly, and i winced, and he let go "sorry" he said and tried moving again, but cried out in pain "what did this to you?" i wondered out loud "wolf" he wispered "oh god" i cried covering my mouth when  i suddenly saw a massive, deep, bloody scratch down his back as he tried to roll over again "i thought the cuts could only stay on you while your a wolf" i wispered "no" he said back "they stay on you forever wolf form or human form" he then added "oh so do you think i would be a wolf" i asked him "well i think you are but i'm no expert, i would have to take you back to my pack and ask the elders to find out" he sighed "well you ern't going nowhere looking like that" i said "well thank you i will not take that as affence" he smiled "well you know what i mean" i hissed "anyway what's your name, coz my name is hattie" i added "nice name. mines Jackson" he said 'jackson, why did that name sound so familiar?' i thought to myself "you look really funny when you think" Jackson said, interupting my thoughts "yes well i dont think we can leave you like this" i said, locking eyes with him "well unless you want me to die nope" he said trying to laugh but wimpering because he hurt himself, suddenly Lex came bounding up and went to lick him "don't" i growled feeling i needed to protect him and i flicked her away, "snap out of it" i heard someone say, then i suddenly had a flaring pain in my arm "orr lex i'm so sorry" i said and held my hand out for her, she sniffed it a bit then put her paw in it agreeing to be friends again "and you it's a good thing your hurt or i would slap you silly" i said turning to him "you wouldn't hurt a stranger" he said timidly "nope but i would hurt my mate" i said 'where did that come from' i thought slapping my hand across my mouth "well if you didn't have a wolf you do have now" he chuckled arkwardly "yeah she's called lex and i've known her since she was a pup" i laughed "no your wolf the wolf inside you" he said suddenly going serious "alright don't go all ninga on me" i chuckled "do you really think i'm gunna be able to do that" he cried "oh yeah right Lex i need you to stay here and watch him for me while i go looking for something for him" i commanded "why don't you go home" Jackson asked "coz i got kicked out" and with that i walked off deeper into the forest to find something for him, 'why did i feel so attached to him, i hads only just met him'  i thought as i searched for somethig for him to eat using my memory to help me 'it has been ages since i had been down here, the last time i had been though here was with my mum' i thought again, my mind drifting, suddenly i heard a howl coming from my left "lex" i said, quietly so that i didn't disterbe anything like wolves, then i heard another howl, come from my left, but i sounded distant 'keep calm, i am most likely just to close to a wolf family' i told myself 'just walk away and it nothing will happen' i wasn't scared of wolves but i didn't think there was any close by because nomally any wolves that were around would have been detected by lex, and she would go off and play wth them and come back yipping and howling trying to tell me about how her day had been and who she had met and stuff like that so i told her that she can go off and play with them just as long as she doesn't come home pregnant, and she would lay on the floor next to my feet as if saying that she won't, one day i know that she will, but she just has to find her mate, but i am really scared because when she does have pups she they will be running around and tearing my trousers apart, like she did, but hopefully her mate will be more sterner, 'not likely' i said doubting myself, suddenly a giant wolf jumped out of the bushes, that had been unkept for all these years, and i screamed, but hten i noticed it had clothes in it's mouth "what have you got clothes in your mouth for" i asked it timidly 'like it's going to answer me' i thought to myself, then it went behind a tree 'what the heck am i going to do' i thought to myself, i cant just run away from it or it will chase after me, then a man walked out from behind the tree, pulling his top over his head "you have seen our alpha, i can smell him on you so don't lie" he said, sternly "erm he is back closer to my house.. he is hurt and i am trying to help him" i said, timidly "do you want to follow me" i said "yes, since you are our alpha" he said, bowing his head "what are you on about?" i asked, not expecting an answer, i started walking back to Lex and the man. 

"what is his name?" i asked the man i was walking with "his name is 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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