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Niall. You and him were in love from the start. He was perfect, amazing. He was your everything. Ever since your I do's, he has been there through thick and thin. But now, it's different. It all started on your 5th year annaversery. He promised a special dinner. You guys were driving to the restaurant, when a semi truck crashed into you. You screamed on the top of your lungs while the big truck was sliding off the highway, about to crash into yours. Niall was holding onto your hand and said, "Y/n, know that I lo-"he got cut off and everything went black. Later, you woke up in the hospital. You were so dazed, and then you relized that there were tears streaming down your cheeks. Then everything came back in a flash, you remember that huge truck, your annerversery, Niall. You were so sore, you couldn't move. Then you relized there was one more person in the room. Your mom. "Mom?" You whisper, and she immidiatly looks up with fresh, hot tears in her eyes. "Y/n!! Your okay!

Thank goodness." She said in a trembling voice. "Whe- where's Niall??" You ask. "Oh honey..." "What's wrong with him?!?" You scream. Your mom stays silent. "Mom, please, tell me." You say. She hesitates, then says, "Niall was awake. He was fine, I guess. But he was having bad head throbs. He kept getting super dizzy, and the doctors didn't realize it was that bad... Then Niall slipped into a coma. He's in a special room." All you could do was lay there. You felt so helpless, alone. You couldn't believe it. Your true love was in a coma. Who knows how long, or if he even would wake up. You were scared. No, not scared, TERRIFIED. You were just, blind. Tears rolling down your cheeks, you asked your mom, "When can I see him?" Your mom slowly replied, "Y/n, you have to get better too. Get some rest." You looked at the clock, it was 11:00 PM. Even though you were exasted, you couldn't sleep. Niall, the one that would always protect you, couldn't even protect himself. He was in a coma. He was practically dead, only his heart was still slowly pounding. After the long night of thinking, it was morning. You took your medicine, and the nurse took care of you. You couldn't wait to see Niall. You wanted one of his famous horan hugs, the ones he always gave you. You didn't want him to die. He was too young, and you couldn't live without him. You wanted him back. BADLY. More tear-filled days past, and you were finally aloud to go see him. The nurse pushed you in your wheelchair to Nialls room. As soon as that door had opened, you were scared to death. He looked so pale, so lifeless, so... dead. The nurse looked at you and said she would give you two some alone time. You rolled the wheelchair next to his bed, sobbing. The nurse had already left. You cupped your face in your hands, letting it all out. You wish he will wake up soon. You missed him with all your heart. You couldn't take it. You wanted him back. What if he wouldn't wake up? Even though he was in a coma, and he probably couldn't hear you, you started talking to him. "Niall, I love you. Please, come back to me. I need you. Your my everything! Please Niall, please. I don't know what I'd do without you. You always make me smile. You're my life, and always will be. I feel so guilty about this. I don't know why I should, but it's just..." You started sobbing again. The nurse came back in, and took you out. She confurted you all she could, but it was no use. Only Niall could make you feel better. You always used to call him your prince. He called you his princess. It was like you were connected. You two were best friends. After a long 24 hours of no sleep, you finally fell into a deep slumber. You woke up, looked at the clock, and it was noon. This time, next to your bed, was your brother in-law, Greg. You were so glad he was here. You turned over to look at him, but his face was cupped in his hands. He was sobbing, just like you were yesterday. You whispered to him, "Greg, it's okay. Niall will be okay. We just need to calm down. Everything will be fi-" "Y/n, Niall passed away last night." He cut you off. You froze, mouth open wide. Your heart dropped to your stomach.You couldn't BELIVE he was gone. Not for one second. He was dead, and now you were nothing without him. You couldn't live like this. For a while, you sat there, sobbing rather loudly. You finally responded, "Greg, what happened?" He said, "Last night, after a while of fighting to keep his life, his heart, well, it just decided it was time to stop pounding. The doctors didn't know he was that damaged..... Niall wrote this note for you, before he went into a coma. I guess he thought he was about to go. He wants you to read it." He finished. You stared at the letter Greg was holding in his hand. You took it from him, tear rolling down your cheeks. You couldn't read it. Not yet. Once you have finally healed enough to go home, you read the letter. Right when you walked into your front door of yours and what used to be Nialls house, you read it. You carefully opened it, and read it silently. "My princess, I am writing this letter just in case I don't make it. The doctors say I'm fine, but I know I'm not. I don't think I'm going to make it. At this time, you are restfully in bed. I just wanted to tell you all of this since you need to know it. I love you SO MUCH. I don't know what I'd do without you. I feel so bad about what happened. It was supposed to be our special day, and it turned into a nightmare. Princess, please, please, please forgive me. You will always be the one I love. Promise me something, after I'm gone please live the beautiful life you deserve. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine up in heaven. And I'm sure i'll see you there later on. Please remember to smile. Your beautiful smile lights up my life. I want you to know that. Again, please forgive me for what I have done to you. I feel awful. I never meant to harm you. This is all my fault. Tell my mum I love her. Tell my family I love them. I will always be there for you, even if you can't see me, I'm always there. Remember, y/n, I love you with all my heart. And I hope you get better! Please go the the bottom left drawer near the oven. That was my present to you for our annerversery. Love, Niall" You put the note down, again the tears rolling down. You slowly walk over to the drawer Niall wanted you to check. You pulled it open, and saw a small box. You opened it up, and saw the most beautiful bracelet you have ever seen. It has a big heart charm on it. You flip it over, tears dropping from you eyes. The charm reads, "Niall and y/n~Forever, and always<3"


Hey!! Thanks for reading this. It's kinda sad so, sorry. It means so much to me that you guys are reading my story's. I've started to write my long fanfiction, so I will start posting that once I have a few chapters finished. :) Anyway, thanks so much AGAIN and have a great day :D ilysm! Bye xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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