Chapter One

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    When told that there was nothing to do, normally Daring Do would laugh. But after months of finding nothing, she would agree that there was really nothing to do.

     Daring Do paced back and forth, thinking about all of the nearby ruins. They might have provided her with something to do, if she hadn't already found everything in them. With a sigh she sat down and stared out the window at the cloudless sky, then debated on going flying. With a shrug, she decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to stretch her wings.

     As she was standing up, she heard a knock on the door and groaned, "Who in Celestia's name is that," she said to herself as she put on her thick-framed glasses and cloak, then slicked back her mane and assumed the role of A.K. Yearling, an Earth Pony and writer of a well-known book series.

     The mail pony standing outside held u a letter as A.K. opened the door and looked out, "Letter for A.K. Yearling, marked urgent."

     "Any idea who its from?" she asked as she took the letter and studied it curiously.

     "Nope. All I know is that I had to get it delivered quickly if I wanted to keep my job."

     A.K. nodded and gave him a bit for his troubles, "Well, thanks anyways." She closed the door and opened the letter, then smiled at the familiar crest on the paper.


                     Heard you were bored and needed something to do. Lucky                                                               for you one of my contacts just found something that might                                                             catch your interest. If not, then I'll just add it to my collection.                                                                  If you're interested, you know how to find me.


     "Well," A.K. Yearling smiled as she hid the letter and put on her traveling hat, "it seems that Daring Do just started on another adventure."

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