Chapter 1: Surprise

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Lucy's POV

Yup it was official Lucy was kicked off of Team Natsu. The person she thought to be her best friend betrayed her for.......Lisanna!

P.S This isn't gonna be a story where Lisanna is mean to Lucy. I wanted to switch up what usually happens!



"Lisanna I've heard so much about you!" I said embracing her

"Lucy!" Lisanna answered"You've made me feel so welcome thank you!"

It has been a month since Lisanna came back and we had bonded like sisters. She practically is my little sister we hang out all the time! She sleeps over at my apartment and I stay over at her house sometimes!

Weeks later....

"Lucy I need to talk to you!" Natsu said

"Yeah sure whats up?" I asked

"I'm kicking you off the team!" He said bluntly " I don't need you, you're weak and pathetic I can't believe I let you be on the team in the first place!"

"!" I cried

"Hell, I can't believe I brought you to the guild I should have know a loser like you would ruin everything!" He stated

"NATSU!!!" It was Lisanna "HOW COULD YOU!?!?!" she asked

"None of your business Lissy!" He said trying to kiss her

"Stop it Natsu and don't call me that!" she said angry

"Come on lets get away from this loser!" Natsu said

"H-.."Lisanna started

"It's okay Lisanna...." I said walked away"See you later sis..."

"Lucy...."she said

I walked up to Masters office and opened the door.

"Master I think I want to leave the guild..." I said

"Lucy please stay for a few more days maybe you'll change your mind!" The Master said

"Well okay..." I said

"If you still want to leave by friday than I will let you." Master said

"Okay Master!" I said leaving his office

The Next Day

I walked into the guild and then !BAM! I was knocked into the back wall by a table.

"Ahhhh!" I scremed

"Nice aiming Natsu"someone said I turned my head painfully to see....Gray and Natsu laughing their heads off.

"My turn!" Gary said as he hit me with a turn.

"OWWW!" I cried

"Doesn't it feel right to be put back in your place weakling!" Natsu said


"Maybe she was but not anymore and never again!!!" Natsu said

At that I started crying and ran to my apartment and slammed the door!

The next few days It only got worse everyone was ignoring me except Juvia, Levy, Wendy, Master, Carla, Happy, Lisanna, Gajeel, Pantherlily, and Mira. Everyone else would hit me call me a weakling or pathetic and they sometimes tried to kill me..... it was hell on earth!

I walked up to Masters office....

"Master I'm Leaving!" I said

"Well okay my child I hope in whatever lays ahead that you are safe!" the Master said as he took of my guild mark.

"If your leaving then we're coming with you!" a familiar voice said

I looked to the door and saw Wendy and Levy.

"Are you sure my children?"Master asked

"We're sure!" they said determined

"But Levy what about Gajeel and Wendy what about Carla!" I asked

"Carla decided it was best for her to stay her and make Nastu and the others regret what they did to you!" Wendy said approvingly

"Gajeel said he'd see me around and I'll write him so it will be okay!" Levy said with a reassuring smile

"So where will you children be going?" Master asked us

"We will be going to train to build up our strength and one day get our revenge!" I said

"Well okay be safe my children!" He said as we left the guild

Then we were of to train!

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for the next one!

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