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Hi, my name’s Camille Naomi Davies. I’m 16 and I guess I have a reasonably happy family with my stepfather and my half-little brother. I used to think that there was something wrong with me because I would wake up screaming when I was young. Sometimes I even see stuff like wings coming out from businessmen’s back or fairies playing among the gooseberry bushes. I would run back to my mother and tell her but her worry lines would appear and she’ll try to console me with a somewhat desperate tone to it saying, “No, Cam darling… It’s just your imagination.” I’ve tried to block these out as I grow up but I’ll always come across and see them once in awhile. It has never come across to me that my best friend would be a famous character from a classic story and a magical world even exists…


Pitch black; Where am I?

Suddenly a spotlight from nowhere fell onto a pond. A man was standing at the edge of it and was slowly walking into it, submerging himself bit by bit.

That’s Dad! No, not this again! Please just this once, why can’t I stop him?! Please…

I can’t move my legs. It felt heavy; very very heavy. He’s going deeper! I’ve got to save him..Got to save-

Dad! Noooo!

I woke up with a gasp, beads of sweat rolling off the sides of my face. It felt like I myself was drowning. I looked around in the darkness of my bedroom. The tinkling of the wind-chime broke me away from my dream. I turned to face the window where the wind-chime was hanging. A little swallow was standing on the window sill. Out of the blue, a gust of wind blew into the room and I pulled my blanket tighter around me. As quietly as possible, I lowered myself from my bed. The marble floor was cool beneath my foot as I padded towards the window.

“Hi, little birdie.” I whispered at the bird. It chirped back at me. “I had a nightmare… It was horrible.”  The bird gave me a particular look; which was weird coming from a bird. It actually looked like it was sympathetic towards me, as if it actually understands me. After a moment of staring at each other, the bird suddenly gave me a last chirp and flew off into the night sky. I closed the window and went back to my bed, snuggling into my warm blanket and dozing off into oblivion.

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