Chapter 1: Dad, Pop

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((Please comment if you have any issues with the writing))


You woke up to your alarm buzzing in your ears, you groaned and rolled over turning it off and getting comfortable back in bed "(Y/N) it is time to wake up Mr Stark and Mr Rodgers are downstairs making breakfast" came Jarvis voice, you covered your ears, you really didn't feel like going to school "I feel sick" you said and yawned pulling the cover up higher, "I have scanned you and see that nothing is wrong" the Al's voice echoed in your room. You sighed and stood up, you walked to your closet and got changed, you decided to wear green jeans and a blue tank top, you sighed and grabbed your jumper shoving it on before walking downstairs. You yawned as you reached the bottom step only to be greeted by you dad, almost making out, you coughed to get there attention, Steve jumped pushing Tony off and blushing like mad, you shook your head and grabbed some toast, you sat down in your usual place, by the window and looked outside. You were an average teenager, who hated school and family. You didn't hate them enough to leave, but just not talk as much, you never really felt part of there circle. Tony and Steve had a great relationship with Peter but not you, not once have you addressed them and 'dad' or 'pops" like Peter dose, you called them by there names or just stared at them. Once you finished your stood up and grabbed your bag, you walked towards the elevator before Tony walked over and smiled "need a lift kiddo?" You shrugged at him "sure" Tony smiles and you both went down to the car. You pulled out your phone texting Wade that you wouldn't need a life. As you reached the garage, Tony looked at you and smiled, he walked towards a black Lamborghini and got in, you sighed and got in the passengers seat. The drive was quiet, as you pulled up to the school you got out but Tony grabbed your arm and pulled you back in, "what do you want Tony?" You asked him confused, Tony sighed "have a good day, me and your dad are gonna talk to you later about something" he said and smiled. You stood up and walked away.

The day went by slowly, you smiled when the bell rang at the end of the day, you packed up your things and left the class, you walked out of school and heard your name being shouted you turned to see you little brother running at you, you glared at him. As he ran forward for a hug you moved and tripped him up. You chuckled lightly and walked off, he followed after you. You grew pissed and turned to him "piss of you little runt, I'm sure Tony and Steve are waiting at home" he yelled and continued walking, Peter ran towards you "but dad and pops-" your turned to him and threw him off you, you glared down at him "go home Peter" you said in a stern voice "I don't have time to deal with you" and with that he looked down and started to cry, he got up and ran off home. He watched him and turned away continuing your walk, your walk lasted about 2 hours before you became hopelessly lost, you sighed definitely got that from Tony, you were to distracted on you phone to notice where you were going. You shrugged and looked around for a sign. Nothing. Bloody brilliant, well done (Y/N), congratulations on getting lost. You thought, you pulled out your phone "no service, how is that possible I'm stood by one of the towers" you said and ruffled your hair in annoyance. You turned to walk back the way you came, and saw some guy's holding beer bottles, you shook your head and walked backwards as they got closer, lust filled there eyes. You hit something behind you turning slowly you saw a man smiling down at you, he reached and pulled you into a car, you screamed and kicked the air trying to get free, but the guy was much stronger then you. He threw you in the trunk after searching you, he took your phone and threw it away. He hit the back of you head, everything falling black.

At Stark tower

Tony paced the floor back and forth, (Y/N) still hadn't come home and she wasn't picking up the phone, Steve was sat down trying to figure out a plan, Bruce had come over along with Natasha, Clint and Bucky. They all came over when Steve called them asking if they had heard or seen (Y/N), Peter was sat down telling them what happened, Natasha said she would look around down town with Bruce, Clint and Bucky said they look around the school and any local cafes, Tony said he would look outside of town heading north whilst Steve stayed here incase she came home. They all agreed and set of, Steve stood up and hugged Tony "Bring her home safe" he said and kissed Tony's cheek, Tony nodded and set of "Jarvis, suit" he said and walked out the building his suit forming around him. He looked back at Steve and waved before flying off, he set of to up town scanning for your sighs "Sir I believe I have found (Y/C)'s phone signal Jarvis said and pulled up a map, Stark smiled and set of, he let the others know, who said they would join him as soon as they could

With (Y/Y)

You woke up to a cold metallic taste in your mouth, you looked around, the smell of rot and blood filling your mouth, gagging you tries to sit up and saw that your hand and legs were strapped down, a man walked in and smiled "I hope you had a safe trip" he said in a thick German accent, you glared at him "now now that's no way to look at your host" he said and crouched down looking at you. You spat in his face, which resorted to a hard stinging sensation on your cheek, you looked away "now your a pretty girl, if you do as your told maybe a few boy's here will help you out, I'll leave you here, to break down slowly" he chuckled and walked out leaving you with an older man who looked like he was extremely high on some sort of drug, you looked down and tried to break the straps on your legs. The man walked towards you and smiled, you gulped and looked away, he pulled out a whip, you stared at it panicked, he raised it up and brought it down harsh

With Tony

Tony Landes on the ground and looked around, he found you phone on the floor. He grabbed it and looked around, he couldn't see you "Jarvis scan again see if you can find anything of hers" he yelled at the AL "right away sir" Tony felt the world go slowly "sir I believe I have found her, she is twenty blocks away from here" Tony nodded and sent the coordinate's to everyone, he heard his name being yelled form behind him and saw Steve running towards him "Capsical what are you doing here, you should stay with Pete" he said looking at the man "I know, but vision said he would look after him for a while" Steve smiled "now let's go get our daughter" he said, Tony nodded and they both ran in the direction's Jarvis gave them

With (Y/C)

You panted as blood dropped down your face, this man had no sense for humanity, he brought the whip down again, you screamed again. He seem to love this and smiled, he pulled out a small pocket knife and walked towards you, he cut into you skin, You struggled against him and screamed, the man stopped when sounds of gunshot were heard out side, He pulled out a gun and went. The door burst down and in stepped Ironman the man's hand shook as he pointed the gun at Tony, he fell backwards as a shield hit him, you looked at them tears in your eyes, Tony walked out of his suit and ran to your side hugging you, Steve joined in soon after, you smiled and cried. This was a first time for you, you had never been hugged by your dad's like this, normally they spent most of there time with Peter. Steve noticed the straps and ripped them off with, you wrapped your hands around them both and hugged them, both of them shocked by your actions but soon returning the action. Steve and Tony smiled at you "let's go home" they said and Tony picked you up bridel style, he carried you out of the building, you smiled at them and closed your eyes "thank you dad, Pop's" you said before falling asleep

~~time skip~~

You woke up in your bed and stretched, you got out of bed and walked downstairs, no one was up yet, you looked at the time "up earlier then I usually am" you smiled and walked to the kitchine and started making breakfast

((Sorry it kinda sucks, give me some ideas if you have any, bye bye for now ^.^))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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