CAPITALISTIC NONEXSISTENT rhymin and timin flowin and glowin wtf help

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"WHOS BABY IS IT" yelled Thomato
"I am sorry"
"The baby belongs frypan"
"Who the beep is frypan" said Thomasto
"You know which one..."
A bright flicker of snow shuffled down the sky

"Not the egg frypan" whispered Thomato
"YOU ARE HAVING A BABY WITH OUR OWN EGG FRYING PAN. I knew it from the moment I saw you looking at it. I should have known"

Thomato ran away and Noot Laid in the snow.

"All I want is for my Thomato back. I miss him and I don't miss frypan."


In frypan perspective

Tssss tsstsssss tssssss

End of his perspective

"I need to fight for Thomato back. Just because I am having a baby with out frypan doesn't mean I dont care"
He runs away into the day asleep yet awake needing to fake some truth, a truth he is hiding insiding and finding wanna find the truth he must do what he needs to feel free and get Thomato back for a contemplative track of insight into the inside of his own honesty honestly noot doesn't feel free wants to be in a tree all along but yet wants to find another rhyme to go along to this song oh dear god help me.

Next chapter will Noot find Thomato probably

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