People always say "there is a long road ahead of you" or "lifes short" but i never thought of it like that or ever being so long or short. Ya there is days its long or there is days you just woke up to be alsleep in a few hours. Well i dont to start off the story like this well i better stop and start telling!.
My name is David and im a senior in high school it's a decent school I really don't care about it that much there's drama sometimes there's fights there's also a friend said its two faced. Let's start story off by starting out in kindergarten you know how people in kindergarten is just little kids is just arguing over a toy or crying because I missed the mommy and daddy I'm not really that kid I just couldn't hear in that year when I said here I mean I was def.
Every time they try to talk to me they noticed that i that this distinct look that I can understand what they were saying. I tried my hardest to reply what they said but all I did is mumble I also had that speech impediment. It's kind of hard for them to understand me but I felt that grade so I retook it but they put me on this electronic make me hear the teacher and it worked then it doesn't. Well enough of that let me get into back story on why I couldn't hear.
I was an infant I don't know how long how many months I was. I was crawling there was a door open so I do with any other baby do crawl in there there was a q-tip on the floor I picked it up I put in my ear staped my ear drum. And my parents never thought that i staped my ear drum i may not hear in that ear.
Enough pf me being small and in kindergarten lets jump to when i am in 4 grade.
The Story Of True Life
RandomThis story tells you about the real reason why and what is going on with life