Don't judge me

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This is about a girl named cherlanda she had a twin sister named miranda. So one day when they got home from school miranda wanted cherlanda to go her kind of church but cherlanda didnt knew any one or had friend that goes to that kind of church. Long intro but short lets see what happen when cherlanda goes to miranda church.

Chapter 1 The New Church

So it was a Sunday and they both went to church in the morning. As soon as cherlanda and miranda walked through the door all eyes was on cherlanda. She felt wierd how they was looking at her. When cherlanda sat down the teacher came in and did the lesson when she realize there was a new student in the classroom so she introduced herself and so did cherlanda. The teacher was like miranda is that ur sister she was like yes the class was like oh ok that explains.......... Anyways said the teacher so we did the lesson and miranda introduced her twin sister to her friend. In cherlanda mind: this is going to be ok. So I was looking around when I saw a cute boy with his click I wanted to go there since my sister new him but I didnt want so I went out side to get some air when I saw him and my sister and his click so ran into the girls bathroom and fixed up my makeup. So I was finished and walk outside I see them comming down the stairs so I was walking like he wasnt there when I was drinking at the water fountian I saw my sister ans she called me. I turned around I saw his face was like dont blow it cherlanda. So im walking to them they trying to speack to me. I was like are u ok thet was like ya so I looked away and was looking at the stairs so I walked past them. My sister came to me like i know who u like. She pointed to him I was like how u know? Miranda said I know everthing girl and btw his name is drake and he is taken by a girl named ashley the one next to him right now. As I looked I was like f*** Man. Yup miranda said well want to stay with me or go to mom. I was like stay with u. So we back in the baby room and they was singing and dancing I was jamming and humming. Four of miranda friends came to me I was like can I help u with something. They was like u funny asf kidd what yo name I was like cherlanda in a ghetto way they introduce they self to me I was k so they gave me they phone number and was like me if u need advice I was like ummm ok. So three girls came to me and same as always I was like can I help u. They was like u funny. I was like umm thanx so they introduce they self and I did it too then they gave me thier email address and fb name I was like imma add u right now so I did and then they gave me there phone number. Then guess who came it was drake and his girlfriend I was like oh wow in my mind so they came to me like u have something of mines I rolled my eyes and went back on my phone when they was talking to me I was like can u repeat what u just said and they did I was like ummn u have the wrong person. Soo they told me to stand up im like so u can rake this comterable chair they was like yea I said listen what evea ur name is u dont tell me what to do or things like that capish capish so they laugh im like is there somthing funny thats when my sister came and covered my mouth and got me up I was like umn what are u doing she was like um u cant talk to them like that I was like this is a free country sis they not the boss of u so im doing what I have to do bye so I left and went out side then next thing u know u got drake gf came and me a stank look im like Is there something wrong wit yo face. She was like look I dint want to start problem but stay away from drake or else then she left and went inside I went to go drink water and went back inside I called my sis and told her to bring ashley here cause imma bout to smack the sense out of that bitch. She was like whateva u say boss. So she called her and we went outside and all of a sudden she stars to yell at me so I was snapping at her u her click gang commin ovea here im like this is not a movie bye. So she started crying to her bae and was like oh miranda sis spit at me and things like that so I go back in the baby room and the click came to me like ohhh y u spit in her face im like what that bitch told I went up to her and im like so u startin rumors bout me watch imma beat the livin shit out of yo ass k bitch............ And I kept going until my sis was like thats it no more word I was like let me say my last word k she was like k I was like thank u and went back to what I was sayin. Then drake was like oh yall funna settle this in the afternoon k I was like im not makin no promises k u got that threw yo mind k. So then I left and that was the last time im going outside foe that kind of petty shit.

That was chapter 1 check out chapter 2.

Chapter 2 The afternoon

So we came back to church and the click was ready so I walked out side the car and went in side when drake was like wtf is wrong with u Im like what u mean he could u curse out my gf. Im like tell ur gf to stop f***ing with me k and I left when he grab me hand and kissed me and he was smiling at me I yank my hand from him and was like wtf is wrong wit u and left so I went to my sister and told her what he did she was like wtf is won't with him I quess he on crack so she went and told ashley. Ashley was like she is a freaking lier she want me to break up with drake and thing like that and ashley told drake. Drake was like wtf she is a f***ing lier. And I went up to drake and was like we wtf is ur problem u did.that on purpose so u can start problem and thing like that so she snapped and snapped. And drake snapped and snapped back that when he got me pissed and that i wanted to punch something and I did. Drake was like calm down but that didn't do anything so I walked away when I was far from ashley he came after me and my sister was cording us what happened so I would have prof that he kissed me and that happened and there was more so he kissed me on the check and said something like don't tell ashley this but I never liked her I love u when I saw ur smile........... And thing like that. So he called me bae and thing like.that and holding my hand I was like I use to like u but ur going with ashley and I can't do that cause u know y she going to come I'm my face taking bout oh.stay away from my man and thing like that. He was like k so I'm going to break up with her k. I was like no u guys are perfect for each other and thing like that and if u say that I'm jealous I'm going to pop u like a pimple k and ya so there no need for u to beau up with her and go out with me cause I don't like u no more BYE. He like I'm sorry I was like BYE drake cause I'm going to tell ur girlfriend what u told me. He was like u don't have prof that I said all this true thing about her ur right I don't but I can blog it. He took my phone and threw it and he got me very pissed that I threw his phone in the suwer were it can never be seen and I left and I went up to ashley and told her what happened she got mad but she didn't believe me so I showed her the video and drake started coming and he watch the video and the click, cause ashley sent it to them. So they finished watching the video and ashley got pissed and broke up with him. Check out chapter 3

Chapter 3 The agrument.

So it was the same day. Drake was like she did this so we can brake up.ashley was like no she didn't how could u do this to me and started crying and I was like that what u get drake and I walked away. So about 4 minutes drake click was like y u did that and I was like what I do thet said make them brake up I was like u taking to the wrong person they was like but y I said did u look at the video they said ya and it got me confused so I walked away. So later on it got dark and I went to the icecream truck and I brought something and when I brought something I see ashley holding drake hands and im like what is going on but in my head and I walked away and they tried to make me jealous and stuff like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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