Chapter 1

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My room is a huge freakin' mess. Damn it! All because I forgot what this weekend's anniversary was. Naturally, I'm a very clean person, but today that's not the case. All of my clothes have been stripped of their hangers and tossed from the drawers to be thrown in all sorts of directions of the room. My bed has been literally turned upside down and currently lying diagonally across the bed springs. My textbooks and their corresponding notes are completely scattered across Mount Bay's Bed and the clothing oceans.

You're probably wondering, "Bay, how'd your room turn into the set of Twister?" Well, good question, but that's going to take a bit of explaining. And if you haven't seen the movie Twister, then you've been living under a rock.

Today I was supposed to be on my way to my hometown, Lulac Falls, with my boyfriend and my best friend. We'd planned to visit Lulac Falls to watch my brother and his soccer team play at their championship game and visit our families. While I was in the middle of neatly placing my clothes in my small suitcase, I'd received a text message from my mother saying how excited she was to see me. After I'd replied with a sweet "see you soon" message, I checked the time on my phone.

11:58 a.m.

I had a little over thirty minutes left to pack and I was nearly done packing, so I thought watching an episode of Baby Daddy on Netflix would be a great way to pass some time. I've already seen the whole series, but I loved it so much that I had to binge watch it all over again. Just before the episode ends, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me that I'm forgetting something, but before I get the time to dwell on it, my bedroom door bursts open and my friend, Audrey, walks into my room with Dylan, my boyfriend, on his phone not far behind her.

"Bay, what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be packing?" Audrey questions, grabbing my phone from my hands. "You're going to make us late to Levi's game! And why are you watching this stupid show?" Audrey really hates modern, comedic shows. She thinks the jokes are too cheesy and the plots are unrealistic.

Audrey and I have known each other since we were five and we've been best friends since we were eight. Our parents were friends before we were. In fact, we despised each other. I thought Audrey was too stuck up and loud and she thought I was too quiet and boring. We did the best we could to stay as far away from each other as we could. We even went through a phase where we would ruin each other's things. In the 2nd grade, we were in the same class and the teacher pair us up for some coloring project. We ended up bonding over the color purple. We both loved the color purple and we both loved cheese and we were obsessed with the Sprouse twins. Although we have lots in common, we also have plenty of differences. Audrey's a bit of an overachiever whereas I'm more or less average. She's bold and I'm timid. We're like Yin and Yang. We're different, but we balance each other out perfectly. She's my best friend soulmate.

"I'm sorry that I happen to love such a heinous and disapproving show," I replied sarcastically while rolling my eyes. I tried to take my phone back, but Audrey swiftly moved it from my reach and waltzed to the other side of my room.

"C'mon, Audrey, give it back." I begged from my bed. I looked over at Dylan for some support, but he was still busy looking at his phone. Audrey shook her head and giggled.

"Not until you finished packing. Right, Dylan?" Dylan barely looked up from the small screen. Why is he so distracted? I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist, on my tip toes so I could kiss him on the cheek. Still no reaction. I try to take a sly peek at the screen, but he notices and moves his phone so I can't see what's on it.

"What are you doing, Dylan? Why are you so distracted?" I ask, sounding a bit whiny. "You've barely looked at me since you got here."

"Yeah, Keller," Audrey butts in, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. "Who're you texting---your side chick?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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