Chapter 1

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Up top is kind of what your armor looks like, just imagine it more cybertronian like. Also you transform into a Koenigsegg Agera R the fastest street legal car to ever exist so far. Top speed is 273 mph, and an X-43A, the fastest jet in the world, it's top speed is about 9.6 Mach(I think) (over 9 times the speed of sound) Your autobot insignia is on both shoulders in silver.

Technoaxe' pov

I was just waking up from a long stasis nap in my escape pod following after my friends, Optimus Prime and Ratchet, to a planet called Earth. I crash landed somewhere in a place called Ireland and set out to find a vehicle mode. Once I found one I liked, I scanned it and transformed. I started to drive back and decided to see what Earth music was like.

Once I found something interesting I continued to listen to the music as I drove back. I also saw a jet fly overhead and scanned it. As I drove over the ridge my pod landed on the other side of, I saw a GroundBrige opening. 'It better not be decepticons because if it is I am going to be pissed.' I thought.

I sped up and saw two figures that were faced away from me, both of them which I recognized. I transformed and hid. It seems they haven't noticed that I was behind them yet so I decided to surprise them. I snuck up behind them and put my servos onto the taller ones shoulder plates.

He jumped and turned in my direction. I just stepped back a little and smiled. He removed his battle mask, smiled a little, and rolled his optics. I may very well likely be the only bot who has ever seen Optimus Prime/Orion Pax, roll his optics. His friend finally spoke up.

"Technoaxe?" He asked.

"Hello Technoaxe." Optimus said.

"Hey, Ratchet, Optimus." I gave them a gentle smile and they smiled back.

"It's good to see you, Old friend." He said smiling and walked past me, lightly punching my shoulder.

I chuckled and followed with Ratchet. Optimus called for a GroundBridge and a moment later one appeared a few feet in front of us. When we walked through I saw 3 other bots, one of which was a femme and all of which I was taller than. As I walked through I couldn't help but play Back In Black by AC/DC(get it, most of Technoaxe's paint is black?), put my visor on so they couldn't tell I was a femme because most femmes are not 30 feet tall and I don't really have a female looking frame, and turn on my mech voice(picture her voice being like Zer0's voice from the game boarderlands 2).

All the bots in the base looked at me strangely as I looked around.

"Are you related to SoundWave?" The olive green one asked. I just shook my head and put "nope." on my visor. 'They don't know that I actually am Soundwave's sister. I'm also the 1st and original War Machine, and a triple changer(the cybertronian can turn into two different vehicles instead of one), they also don't know I'm a Prime at all.' They just stared at me.

Optimus and Ratchet came through the ground bridge. "Autobots, we have a new recruit and tracker, Technoaxe. They are also one of my most trusted friends so they will Second in Command." Optimus said.

I just waved. The short female who was half my hight, stared with hard optics straight to where my optics would be if she could see them. The rest of the bots expressions softened. Just then a girl with pig tails and pink highlights ran up to me.

"Are you a girl or a boy? Do you like heavy metal? What weapon do you use? Do you play any instruments?" Her voice hurt my audio receptors and scared me so I almost fell trying to back up.

When I came to a wall I shoved my digits and heels into it and climbed up backwards. I played the line "somebody help me" from Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees. The olive green bot stepped forward and gently picked up the girl. I heard a little boys voice say "Don't be afraid."

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