New Prison

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The witch cackles as she snatches my last few coins from me, the coins that I need to secure the extra rashions that I will rely upon to survive the coming days. I struggle against her henchmen but fail to escape, a result of the curse she has put on me to weaken me considerably from my usual strength.

"Got any more?" She asks, leaning close to my face so that I can see every sickening wart that decorates her green complexion. I kick at her, as my legs are the only unrestrained part of me. In my position I was unable to reach my sword to put an end to her miserable existence. Cackling again she avoids my attack and throws my bag at my face, before her henchmen throw me to the ground and the three run away. Cowards. I use my hand to smear away the blood that trickles from my nose and pick myself up carefully.

The event has drawn some peasants, dwellers of the village that I am forced to take as my home, and they stare at me as if they see a ghost. If only they knew who I really was they would not be standing there so idly.

My name is Louisa Kyle and I am a brave knight, travelling the land in search of glory and adventure. Unfortunately, a few years ago I was captured, and since then the evil Overlords have forced me to reside in various ghastly towns in an attempt to weaken my resolve. I am unable to leave until I can find some way to escape the grasp of my conquerors. I have succeeded in wreaking sufficient havoc in order to force the Overlords to relocate, but never enough to have them free me. Brenley is the name of the town in which I am imprisoned currently, but I am sure that this will be the place where I can finally escape and be free to return to my adventures. I refuse to back down from my quest, no matter what they do to try to stop me.

A shrill, harsh ringing noise fills the area that I inhabit, and I look to the sky for the source of the hateful sound. I blink, and my attentions return to the task at hand.

Taking my books from my locker, I slam the door shut and barge my way through crowds of school children towards my first class.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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