just dead.

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I would have never seen this happen if it weren't for your impeccable actions. Lying to me to try and make me weaker by misleading my conception . throwing the fire at my face as if i wasn't already Burnt from the last time that you trued to destroy me . Was it when you realized that you lost me. What turned you against me so fast.?. I'm use to being burned and buried and beaten and damned. but the only reason i stayed so long was because i saw passed your intentions of hurting me and saw beyond your layer of hatred toward the world and i saw the spark in your eye. The plea for help. The damned parts of you. I found you remarkable. Beautiful. Passionate. Loving at most. Keen. Warm. Inviting. But most of all i seen that your flaws and imperfections were merely laced with my kinda perfection and the way you carried yourself in my presents. You were so mysterious and gorgeous. I was draw to your thoughts and mind and I was frightened by your anger and your desire to be perfect. Unknowingly that in order for you to become what you so desired then you would have to destroy me. But after so many attempts fail after fail the end result.

I'm not dead. just dead to you.

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