Staying Up [Zayn Malik]

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"You'll be fine babe, I promise." Adam assured me, as we stood in front of the large, stone building. I didn't respond, instead focusing my eyes on the windows. There were bars placed on the outside of most of them. A shiver ran down my spine as I heard a faint scream.

I knew Adam was freaked out as well. 

"So.. Goodbye?" I said, not trusting myself enough to look at him. He lifted his hand to my cheek, turning my face so I was looking at him. His green eyes softened as he spoke. 

"Listen, you won't be here for too long, okay? As soon as you get out, I'll be waiting for you." I nod, and hug him tightly. Pulling away, he places a kiss on my forehead, and nods his head at the hospital. 

I let out a breath, picking up my suitcase and walking towards the entrance. The silver entry card in my palm bore into my skin, as I held it tightly. Stopping in front of the gates to the hospital, I flashed the card where I assumed I needed to, and the gates opened. 


"And this will be your room. You will have a roommate soon, we just need to evaluate you first to make sure you're safe."

A nurse opened the steel door to a room, motioning for me to go inside. Walking in, I observed where I would be staying for the next couple of months. There were 2 cots on either side of the room, a dresser with 2 drawers and a desk. A small window was placed just above the dresser, a little over eye-level. 


I nodded to the nurse, telling her she could go. She smiled, placing a piece of paper on the desk and left, the door slamming shut behind her. Sighing, my hand sub-conciously ran through my hair.

As I unpacked, I thought about Adam. Was he actually going to wait for me? I could be here for at least half a year, and if the tables were turned, I knew I couldn't wait that long. Placing shirts and the limited amount of pants I had in the top drawer, Iaid back on the cot. It creaked underneath me, causing me to shut my eyes in annoyance.

I shouldn't be here, but nobody understood. Nobody understood it wasn't my fault, none of it was my fault. I was a victim, but in their eyes I was the culprit. 

My eyes closed, I began to drift off, only to be awoken by a loud knocking on the door. Groaning, I stood from the uncomfortable bed and opened the door. 

The same nurse from earlier spoke, "You're late for dinner by 5 minutes. Let's go." Her friendly smile from earlier was no longer present. Following behind her, I took in the appearance of the institution. It was mostly white, grey and black, no colors. It was extremely depressing, and I didn't belong here.

"This is where you will eat every day, three times a day. We feed healthy meals all the time, an occasional dessert. The schedule for eating and meetings is on the paper I gave to you, which you clearly didn't look at." I rolled my eyes as the nurse spoke, but she didn't seem bothered by it. 

I knew how a cafeteria worked, having attended many schools in the past, so it wasn't hard to situate myself. Trailing behind other normal-looking people, I found myself placed in a line. The tray in my hand was filled with macaroni and cheese, some mystery meat, and a bowl of dry broccoli. Placing a fork and knife beside the food, I searched the room for a place to sit. My eyes landed on an empty table, and I quickly walked to it, sitting down. 

Unfortunately, as I picked at the macoroni, the seat next to me moved. I looked up, my eyes meetinng a pair of chocolate-brown ones. My breath hitched as I took in the boy beside me, his gelled-up black hair and friendly smile captivating my attention.

"Hey, I'm Zayn. You new here?" He spoke, his voice similar to angels. I managed to nod, a crimson red appearing on my face.

"You have a name?" Smirking, he raised his eyebrows, taking a sip of his soda. I nodded, my lips still closed. He chuckled, shaking his head at me.

"Um, it's Cammie. But, I go by Cam." He smiles as I speak, igniting sparks in my stomach. 

"Well, Cammie, I guess I'll see you around?" I nod, as he stands and walks past me. I smile, blushing immensely. I had already made a friend in this messed up place, and I was lucky enough for it to be a cute boy. 


yay for zayn malik stories!! hope u guys like it so far 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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