First Beat

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"You will be the only one who knows this. It's up to you if you want to tell but the choices given might not go towards your own favour so decide well."


She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his broad frame. He smiled and held her hand while playing the piano with the other.

After he ended the song, she pulled him up from the seat and danced in circles with him. They twirled to the couch nearby and sat down.

"What do you think about the song? It's almost done," he asked while smiling. She smiled brightly.

"It's perfect. You're almost there," She praised him while kissing his forehead, proud of her talented boyfriend. He held her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Look. I've been thinking... we have been together for....8 years now. And that's not a simple feat. So... well...," his voice trailed off as he melted into her stare and smile. All the simple curves on her lips made his heart flutter no matter how many times he sees them.

"So? What is it?" She asked curiously and he blinked back to reality.

"Well. Let's go shopping," he changed the subject, thinking it would be better to say it after he finished the song he was working on. She didn't question him even though it nagged on her mind but she let it be and together, they left to the nearest shopping mall.

Hand in hand, they made their way to a few shops. Window shopping and just looking while commenting on things. He paused in front of a ring shop and she stopped too.

"Want to go inside?" She asked. He looked at her in surprise and she giggled while dragging him in. They took a look around and soon found themselves liking the same pair of rings in one of the diamond section.

"It's too expensive," She mumbled while drawing circles with her fingers on the glass. He chuckled softly and stared at the ring too. It was indeed too expensive.

"Let's go drink tea while drowning our sorrows out from not being able to buy cheaper rings," She joked and he agreed. They both walked out and she excused herself to the toilet for awhile. He stood outside while looking at the ring shop the entire time. His heart half clenched. After a couple of minutes, she came back and they left for the cafe.


She wasn't at home that day and he was working on his music sheet. If this sold well, he can earn enough for a couple of years considering the high end part of the deal. He scribbled a few notes down, scratching a few off and sighing. He couldn't feel it and it was half stressing him out. She came back and hugged him. He smiled and they exchanged short kisses.

"How's the song coming?" She asked while taking off her coat and hanging it. He shrugged.

"Not that good. I got the first half done but I can't get the feeling again for the second half," he grumbled slightly. She poured 2 cups of tea and gave one to him.

"It's okay. You can do it, I trust you," She said softly while patting his head. He smiled lightly, feeling reenergized.

"Hearing you say that makes me feel so. I'll try to get the draft done today," he said enthusiastically while writing down the few notes that suddenly came to him. She grinned and left quietly.


They both laid facing each other. She closed her eyes while he smiled. He caressed her face lightly and she pulled him in for a hug. He pushed her hair away from her face and lightly traced her features.

"That tickles," She said and he just smile while hugging her back.

"Good night, lovely."

"Good night, kiddo."


He stretched his body and was about to continue again when he heard a crash from the kitchen. He got up and dashed to the kitchen quickly. He gasped and dropped to the floor immediately, sliding towards her. She was holding her bleeding arm and frowning.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Sorry for distracting you. I just dropped the glass. Careful of the shards. We don't need 2 bleeding people in the house." He carefully helped her up and washed her wound.

"I'll handle my wound. Please help me clean up if you don't mind,"She said with a rather fatigued voice. He wanted to know what was bothering her but she left the kitchen to get the first aid kit and he cleaned up the glass shards before either of them gets hurt again. After carefully wrapping everything up, he went over to her and took over the bandaging. She did a sloppy job with one hand.

"I'm really sorry for distracting you," She apologized again.

"Hey. It's okay. Everything is ok. You just dropped a glass. No worries. I'm almost done anyways," he panicked slightly at her uneasiness. He tucked her hair behind her ears and placed their foreheads together.

"I'll order take outs later or we can head down and eat something. Don't worry. If it gets worse, we will go see a doctor." She nodded and he smiled.


She opened the can drink and sipped on it as she exited the kitchen. He wasn't home today so she decided to play the piano. They were both pianists but unfortunately for her, she had twisted her arm before and her strength wasn't like it was before, thus rendering her unable to play it for long. She pressed the first few notes that was written down on his score and continued.

Soon, she was so immersed into it that she had brought her injured hand up as well. Her fingers ran across the keys like there was no tomorrow.  She was almost at the end when a splitting pain made her yell out in pain. The house door opened simultaneously and he entered, eyes wide opened when he saw her grabbing her hand tightly while sweating. He dropped his things and rushed over to her.

"Are you alright?" He asked. She nodded while cringing.

"I just got too into the song. Must've had stressed it too much," She sighed but his frown remained.

"You reopened your wound again. Come here," he said while removing the red tainted bandage.

"I'm okay. How did your work go?" She asked while wiping her sweat away. He gave a small smile.

"It went well. They liked the song but I have to rewrite a few lines."

"That's nice to hear. Keep it up." She ran her fingers through his hair as he patched her hand up again.


He sat on the bridge and breathed out, looking at the vapour slipping out. The weather was really cold that night but it gave him peace as he relaxed, feeling the cold wind blow pass. He rubbed his runny nose with a handkerchief before his phone vibrated.


"Kiddo? Where are you?" She asked.

"At the bridge where we first met," he answered.

"Oh." The line was cut and he stared at his phone until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw her. She smiled and climbed up beside him.

"Hey. I saw your note and it got me slightly worried so I came out," She explained.

"But I just said I was going for a walk like I always do. Why worry?" He chuckled while holding her warm body close. She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I just.... worry."

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