A party

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Your POV

You walked around the building were the party will take place Intel you found a hall that will help take you to the tree line, you smiled then walked back to your room when you entered you saw a blue silvery dress with black stockings. There was a note next to it you pick it to read it.
Dear Y/N,
I hope you like the dress I can't wait to see you at the party I am very busy so I won't see you Intel then so walked around and be careful I left some money for you to use please don't leave the city and keep the pass with you at all times.
See you later,
You looked around and went to the key pad by the door and locked it so no one could get in you changed into the dress and stockings you left you original shoes on and fold your clothes into a nice pile you opened the closet and find a short sleeve black jacket you put on and opened the door to your room you look around and run down the hall with your clothes in your hands. You find a bush by the hall you found earlier and you hide them in there with the money in your pocket you go and explore the city.
''Hello miss my I interest you in this charm necklace.'' Asked a man you walked up to the booth and look at it the jem shined.
''No thank you.'' You said
''That is alright have a nice day miss.'' Said the man you walked away people rushed by you trying to get were they need to when you bumped into a guy you both fell to the floor.
''Sorry.'' He said helping you up.
''No it was my fault.'' You said he looked into your C/E eyes
''Do I know you?'' He asked
''I never meet you before so I don't know.'' You said you tried to walk away but he graved your wrist.
''Let go of me.'' You said
''Look at me.'' He said you held out the pass so he can see it.
''Let go of me.'' You said again a trooper ran over to the two of you.
''Is some thing the matter here?'' Asked the trooper
''No problem here.'' Said the man letting go of you.
''You OK miss?'' Asked the trooper
''Yes thank you.'' You said
''Just be more careful.'' Said the trooper then he walked off you went into a shop and looked around.
''Hi welcome.'' Said a cheerful voice you turned to a women in a purple dress.
''Hi.'' You said
''Do you need help finding something?'' She asked
''No I'm fine.'' You told her
''OK let me know if you need anything.'' She said and walked away. You looked around and saw a picture of a green Jedi.
''Do you like it?'' Asked the women you jumped. ''Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.''
''Its fine.'' You said as your heart rate went down.
''That is a picture of the Jedi master Yoda.'' She said
''Were did you get it?'' You asked
''I found it by one of the old Jedi temples.'' She said
''Really?'' You asked she nodded
''Come.'' She said she took your hand and filled her to the back room she turned on the light as the door closed.
''Can I trust you with something?'' She asked
''Why we just meet.'' You said
''I know your with the rebels because I am two.'' She said
''How do you know I'm with them?'' You asked
''I was leaving the city today when I got a message saying that you were and to help you with a map.'' She said the both of you went to a table she pressed a button and a map of the city came up.
''So did you find were the party is?'' She asked
''Yea right here.'' You said pointing to a building.
''And a way out?'' She asked
''I found this hall that leads to the tree line once I get what we need then leave and run if the troopers get to close I'll hid.'' You said
''That's a good plan. I was told to tell you that a droid Willie meeting you here.'' She said pointing to a spot.
''Thanks.'' You said then you heard running.
''Open up that's an order.'' Yelled the trooper.
''Come hide.'' Said the women she opened up a hole in the floor go threw the tunnel and run from it now!'' She whispered you nodded and jumped down. She closed the door it was dark but you didn't want to use your light saber so you just walked down the tunnel then you started running you made it to the door and kicked it open then ran as fast as you could when you were far from it you stopped running and started walking then went into a crowd. It was getting dark so you went to go meet the droid you hid behind a crate as you waited, then chopper came into view.
''Chopper.'' You said coming into view he started complaining.
''Yea I know now what do you have for me?'' You said he put out a pincher and in it was a crystal you took it from him, then a hologram of Ezra came up.
''Y/N you will be needing this crystal to replace the one you will take and be careful. Hey I'll see you soon.'' He said then the hologram went away.
''Hey you what are you?'' Asked a trooper there was a group of them.
''I'm lost I was asking this droid were the party was. I was invited by the senators son.'' You said
''I and another will escort you to the party now let the droid work.'' Said the trooper
''Yes sir.'' You said you followed him he stood on the side of you and so did the other trooper.

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