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Do you ever get that feeling when you 'love' somebody and they think your weird cuz they don't know you, well that's almost the perfect definition of my relationship with Ben!

To me Ben is perfect in every way, I mean he's in band, he's cute (to me),he's funny it's perfect. But to him I'm just the new girl who ended up crushing on him!

I'm really shy and awkward and weird and can't hold a conversation with a guy, and none of that helps the fact that I was a new student!

My friends asked him out for me about 20 times and whenever I had the guys the message me we'd actually talk about why/how I liked him and how annoying my friends are

And on Valentines Day I bought the chocolate and gave it to him and made him a little "card"

Did I ever get even the slightest thank you. NO

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