ASR One Shot Contest!!

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Okay so here is my entry for XxSkater2Girl16xX's one shot contest! It's not really a chapter that's in the story, it's just a completely random yeah! Hope you like it and ENJOY!!! :DD


“Holly!” Casey squealed from behind me.

I slammed my locker shut and twirled around to face her.

“What?” I groaned.

I was not in the mood. I had once again forgotten to do Chris’s stupid homework. I could feel my grade slipping already. Ugh.

“Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Ugh shut up, I forgot to do the stupid science homework. My grade is already horrible as it is,” I sighed.

“Just go do it now,” She shrugged, “I’m sure Mr. Heywood wouldn’t mind the company,” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“Oh whatever, I’ll see you later though,” I sighed again and trudged off to his classroom.

Honestly, it wasn’t even my fault for not doing the homework! If Chris hadn’t texted me last night I could have gotten it done! It’s really hard not to text back though…

“Holly!” Someone called from behind me.

“What!” I turned around again.

These people who kept interrupting my mission for a good grade were seriously not helping my bad mood.

Jeremy jogged up to me with a smile/smirk on his face.

“Why are you so happy?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“No reason…just that I saw Aaron practically seducing Chris in his classroom,” He snickered.


“Maybe you should go see for yourself…” He trailed off before leaving to catch up with Casey.

Alright, this I had to see. I quickly weaved my way through the students before finally making it to my destination. I hurried to the door and hesitantly peered inside.

I almost broke down laughing from the sight.

Inside was Aaron sitting on Chris’s desk, right in front of him, while Chris was sitting in his chair looking very weirded out. So Aaron was gay…? Bi? Maybe confused…

I noticed Chris stand up from his chair and make his way to the back of the classroom with Aaron following close behind him. Using my sneaky skills, I slowly pushed open the door and slipped in. I glanced in Chris and Aaron’s direction, Chris had his back to me and Aaron couldn’t see me from where he was standing.

I crept towards Chris’s desk and quickly hid under it. I held my breath, waiting for the moment for them to catch me, but thankfully that moment didn’t come…yet.

“I need an A Chris!” Aaron whined.

“First, call me Mr. Heywood, second, don’t ever call me Chris again, and third, I can’t just give you an A. You have to earn it Aaron,” Chris said in a bored tone.

I peered around the corner of the desk to see if anything happened. I held in my laugh that threatened to burst out.

Aaron lifted a hand and trailed his finger down Chris’s chest before it was soon smacked away.

“Aaron!” Chris hissed.

“Yes?” He asked in a seductive voice.

Oh I felt so bad for poor Mr. Heywood! Still, I really should record this…

“Just get out, I’m not giving you an A, you have to earn it. I have papers to correct and… just leave!” Chris growled.

“But Ch- Mr. Heywood!”

“Go, now,” Chris pointed towards the door before turning around and stalking back to his desk.

“Wait, Mr. Heywood!” Aaron grabbed his wrist before Chris quickly tugged out of his hold.

“Aaron, just go, I really don’t have any time for this,” He rolled his eyes.

Before I could blink Aaron was inches away from him and had his lips pressed against Chris’s. Chris quickly pulled away and wiped his mouth. Before he could speak, Aaron was already out the door.

“Bastard,” Chris swore under his breath.

I pulled my head back under the desk and held in another laugh. Thank you phones for having cameras!

And that’s when the panic set in. What if I get caught? What will Chris do? What if he breaks my phone! Dammit.

I heard his footsteps drawing closer to his desk before he finally sat back down his chair. As he scooted closer I scooted farther back into the desk, my whole body pressed up against the back.

It was too late though. He kicked my leg and automatically stopped scooting in. I hid my face as Chris bent down to see what, or in this case who, was under his desk.

“Holly?” I looked up and smiled sheepishly.

I blushed, “Uh…surprise?”

“What are you do- Holly!” He eyed my phone in my hands, “Hand it over. Now,” He scowled.

I used all my strength to push him aside and quickly crawl out from under the desk. As I was crawling away, though, he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back.

“Give. Me. The. Phone,” He growled.

“I didn’t do anything! I was just texting…Casey!” I lied quickly.

He rolled his eyes, “I don’t even understand why you bother lying to me. You know I can always tell.”


In a matter of seconds I was being pinned to the ground, my arms being held firmly above my head.

“I swear, I was just texting Casey!” I wiggled underneath him, trying to get free from his grasp.

He snorted, “Yeah, and I’m an opera singer.”

“Where did you get that from?” I laughed.

“Give me the phone,” He ignored my comment.

“I told you, I was just texting Casey!”

“Then why does it bother you so much when I just want to see your phone?”

“Uh…It’s about girl stuff?”

“Technically I’m your teacher, so I actually can confiscate your phone. Hand it over, or you’re going to the principal’s office,”He threatened.

“You wouldn’t!”

“Try me.”

After having a mini staring contest, I sighed and gave up. I could never win these sorts of things; I should really know that by now.

Chris helped me to my feet and swiftly grabbed my phone out of my hands, pushing it into his pocket.

“Good, now maybe you should get going to class,” He smirked.

I grumbled and started trudging back towards the door.

“Oh and Holly?” I looked over my shoulder.


“Did you remember to do your homework this time?”

I swore under my breath.


“I’ll see you after school,” His smirk grew wider as I stalked out of his room, slamming the door shut behind me.

Stupid teachers.


I honestly had so much fun writing this haha xD I hope you guys like it and hopefully it might win! :D Love you guys and keep reading! :DD

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