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     You always sat next to the boy with brown hair, with his sister on the other side. Dipper Pines. And you'd always internally fan-girled about how cute he was. 

It was Valentines day. And you were walking to school, squeezing the pink heart-shaped card you cut out yourself in your hands. You'd probably guess who it was for. Dipper Pines. You'd always get shy around the boy.

You can remember last November, when you two had to do a science project together. You were a blushing mess. Dipper mostly did the sciencey stuff while you did the art. You two got an A+. You smiled, feeling heat rise up to your cheeks at that one memory. Dipper had hugged you right then and there in front of the class in excitement from getting an A+, forgetting where and what he was doing there earning "ooh"s from the class.

The loudest being his twin sister, Mabel. Mabel was your friend. But that was only because she was determined to befriend everyone. Even you. 

You smiled again and continued to walk to the school. You sat down at your desk, right when the bell had rung. Just like always. Dipper was already at his desk, sweating nervously. You debated on whether you should give him his card now, or later. Just so the class doesn't get curious at why you would give him, Dipper Pines, a card.

You certainly didn't want them to think you liked him. Even if you did. The last time someone found out you were crushing on someone in third grade, everyone teased you, and the boy you liked was disgusted by you.

You frowned at the thought, but listened to the teacher as she instructed you all to take out your valentines to open them. Shaking, you gingerly took out your custom paper bag and shook it. By the sound of it, there were only one or two.

It wasn't very surprising. You didn't have many friends. 

You dumped out the cards. And just as you suspected. Two cards. One was from the one and only...

Mabel Pines. It read a corny valentines day joke, and to it's right, there was a red heart shaped lollipop. You looked to your right to find Mabel grinning at you. She, as always had a big pile of valentines on her desk. You gave a small smile back.

The other card was tied to a box of chocolates with a rose taped onto it. You looked around. No other girl or boy had this. It read,


You light up my day, 

You'd make me happy if you were mine,

I don't think I could live without you,

Will you be my valentine?

XOXO, Anonymus'

You blushed and looked around again. "Wow." you mumbled. "What, what does it say?!" Mabel squealed and skipped over to your desk. She caused your other classmates to huddle around you. Another girl snatched it from your hands and read it aloud.

"Aw, that's so adorable!" Mabel giggled. You heard girls squeal stuff like "that's so romantic!" and "wow, she's so lucky!" You blushed again and looked down. "Wow, (F/n). So what'ya say?" another girl asked, "Will you go out with this guy?"

"Uhm... Well, I kind of like somebody already." you murmured. The class let out "aw"s and sighs and went back to their desks.

You looked to your right and saw Dipper glancing at you with a slight hurt expression in his eyes. You decided to ignore it. You also noticed that he hadn't opened his paper bag that was probably filled with valentines yet.

"Aren't you gonna open it?" you asked. Dipper snapped out of whatever he was thinking of. "Oh! Um, yeah." he mumbled. He quickly glanced at Mabel's pile of valentines day cards before reaching out for his paper bag. He turned the bag upside down and gave it a little shake. Surprisingly, no cards came out.

A boy next to Mabel laughed. "Oh, hey. Dipper didn't get any! Oh man, I thought I was the class loser! Hey everyone! Dipstick didn't get any!" he snorted. The class erupted in laughter and Dipper let out a small sniffle. He attempted to run out of the classroom, tripping over the trashcan once but continuing his way out. 

"I can't believe that kid's your brother." the boy remarked. You growled under your breath. You stomped over to the kid and punched him square in the nose. The boy lay on the ground in shock, holding his now bloody nose. 

You didn't hesitate to continue to punch him on the ground. The class screamed and called for the teacher. "Get her off of me, she's crazy!" the boy shrieked. The teacher shoved through the crowding students and pulled you away from the boy. 

"Miss (F/n)! That's a detention!" the teacher told you strictly. You stared at her wide-eyed. You've never had a detention before. One boy from your class whistled and said, "Looks like miss perfect isn't such a goody-two-shoes after all."

You slowly nodded and glumly went back to your desk, while another student brought the boy you punched to the nurse's room. 

~~~Timeskip to recess~~~

You sighed and sat sadly at your desk. The teacher was in the teacher's lounge. So at least you didn't have to be quiet. "Hey." Mabel said, making you jump. "What're you doing here?" you asked, "Shouldn't you be at recess?" 

"(F/n), I'm in fourth grade now. I have better things to do than play at recess." she laughed. "Hmm." you mumbled. "Anyways, what happened back there?"

"He made fun of Dipper. So I punched him." you shrugged. "Ohh... I see... You like him!" 

You stared at her in shock. "H-how did y-you...?"

"(F/n), I know my best friend best. I also know my brother best. He's totally into you!" she squealed. "OMG, I just came up with the best ship name! (S/n)!" Mabel sighed dreamily. You blushed. Best friend? You brushed it off. "Is he still hiding?" you asked. "Yep. He's in the janitor's closet and won't come out." 

"Oh. I was gonna give him a card but..."

"YOU WERE?!" Mabel squealed. You nodded and showed her the custom card you made from scratch. "Aww, (F/n)." she sighed.


"I just want to tell you... This is for your own good." And with that, Mabel ran out of the room with the card in her hand. Before you could process what was happening, you darted right after her. "Mabel, come back!" you shouted.

"Mabel?" you called out. "Mabel! C'mon, just give me back the card." you groaned. "(F/n)?" a voice mumbled from behind you. You turned around quickly to find Dipper. "Oh, er, hey, Dip!" you chuckled nervously. "Shouldn't you be in the classroom?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"How did you know?"

"Mabel told me."


"So, (F/n), about the card-"

"No, no, I'm sorry. I know, you don't feel the same way. I just wanted to get it out of my chest, because I really like you, a-and-"

Before you could finish, Dipper had hugged you, catching you off guard. You slowly hugged him back. "By the way, the chocolate box, rose, and card were from me." Dipper murmured. "Oh... You idiot. Why didn't you just ask me?" 

"Because I was scared of rejection. You could've just asked me too, you know." 

You rolled your eyes and you both leaned if for a kiss. Your lips brushed gently against his and you two suddenly heard an "ahem". You turned to see your teacher with her hands on her hips. "Dipper Pines and (F/n) (L/n). That's a detention for touching another student. I'll be telling your parents about this. Come with me." 

You both blushed and nodded slowly. Oh, you two were both definitely screwed.

Valentine - Fourth Grade! Dipper x Fourth Grade! Reader {One-shot}Where stories live. Discover now