Chapter 1

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Ashlyn, Hope, and JJ were currently very unhappy with Tobin. The four of them were laying against each other on Alex and Tobin's couch moaning from the pain in their overly full stomachs as their girlfriends laughed at them. If Tobin hadn't made that bet with Alex, they wouldn't be in this position. Damn Hope and her stupid ideas.


Even though it was off season, Ashlyn, Ali, JJ, Christen, Tobin, Alex, Hope, and Kelley still practiced with each other during the week to stay in shape for when soccer started up again. It was after practice one day when they were packing up their equipment that Tobin had made the bet.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Tobin exclaimed.

Alex just laughed at her girlfriend. "Really, Tobs?"

Tobin thought for a second before replying, "Well maybe not a horse, but an extra large pizza sounds good right about now."

"Pizza sounds good."

"You'd have to get your own. I'll probably finish the extra large off myself."

The group broke out in laughter.

"Yeah right, Tobin!" Ashlyn teased. "I'd like to see you try."

The midfielder took mock offense to the blonde's words. "I could."

"No you can't," Alex said.

The group had stopped putting their things away to watch the debate between the couple.

"Yes I can," Tobin argued.

Hope finally got bored with the bickering and proposed that the two make a bet. If Tobin was able to finish the extra large pizza in one sitting then Alex would give her $20. If she wasn't able to finish then she had to give Alex $20. The couple agreed with this bet and decided that Tobin wouldn't be the only one to participate in this food challenge.

"Hey, Harris, are you willing to join this bet too?" Tobin provoked.

Ashlyn shook her head. "No way, you're on your own."

Tobin raised an eyebrow.

"So you're saying you're too chicken to do it?"


"Really? Because that's what I'm getting from you."

"Okay, fine! I'll do it."

A shit eating grin spread across Tobin's face as she looked to Hope and JJ. The two sighed before agreeing to take part in the challenge as well, partially wanting to impress their girlfriends and partially wanting to make another bet with Tobin and Ashlyn later.

"We'll do it," they said in unison.

"Let's do this!" Tobin yelled, grabbing her stuff and running to her and Alex's car.

Ashlyn, Hope, and JJ trailed slightly behind their girlfriends wondering what they had just gotten themselves into.


When the group reached Alex and Tobin's house, Kelley, Alex, Christen, and Ali went to the guest bedroom to figure out what the rules for the challenge would be. Meanwhile, the other four sat in the living room and made another bet amongst themselves.

"So Hope and I have decided that we're going to have 'teams'," JJ explained. "Ashlyn, you and Tobin will be a team and Hope and I will be a team. The first team to finish their pizzas wins and the losers owe the winners forty dollars each."

"Does that mean you both have to pay us forty dollars each or you'll pay one person forty dollars then Hope pays the other forty dollars?" Ashlyn asked.

Tobin Makes a BetWhere stories live. Discover now