ch. 1

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Violet's POV-
I wake up like any other morning, dreading school. Today is the Alpha of my pack's ( Moonlight Gaurd ) birthday. It's annoying because like everyone other teenager in pack he goes to my high school, and because he is Alpha, everyone loves him. Wich means today is going to be all about him and his mate, if she even exists. Today, Alx turns 18, wich also means today he will find his mate, and honestly I feel bad for the girl. Don't get me wrong Alx, is very attractive but he knows it and he doesn't hide it. He's the classic bad boy alpha.
I grab my phone a scroll through twitter ignoring all the tweets about Alx's birthday. We get it he's 18.
My phone rings about 15 minutes into mindless scrolling.
"Hey. Reagan"
It's my best friend Reagan just in time for her annual it's Alx's birthday speach. The girl is literally obssesed. Regan found her mate over 6 months ago but for some reason she still called me today.
"So, who do you think Alx's mate is gonna be?" Reagan asks.
"Not you. Probably someone like Hailey, since we know he will probably mate with a shifter."
All men/boys in my pack are shifter but only a select few females. The only shifters our age are Hailey, Tay, and Caity. All cheerleaders who constantly hang on Alx. Then, there is me. I'm a shifter, but no one knows. In my pack shifters are forced into marriage even if they want to deny their mate they're not allowed. So, I've always kept it a secret. Not even my parents know.
"I know that it won't be me, but I thought maybe it would be you."
Eww, what? Slight pause.
"But, I'm not a shifter, and grose.."
"It doesn't have to be a shifter.." I cut her off.
"It don't care, he not my mate."
Then I hung up and that was the end of our conversation. I get up and get dressed in and light pink sundress with some brown flats and head down stairs for breakfast.
After eating breakfast that I prepared for my self sense my shitty parents are probably busy doing the dirty. I go out my back door to the forest behind my house. As soon as my feet hit the soft ground I undress and phase to my wolf running to school. A few minutes after ariving at the end of the forest I phase back and put my clothes wich I had put in a plastic bag and tied to my ankle back on. And walk across the street to my school parkinglot.
As I'm walking toward the door I'm suddenly distracted by the most beautiful smell and my wolf becomes very excited. I continue to walk trying to slow my breathing. I look around for the sorce of the smell when my eyes land on it. On him. On Alx. And my wolf screams mate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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