Chapter 1

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Alexandra's POV

Buzz... Buzz...

What the hell? Who's texting me at this ungodly hour? I lifted my head up to see the alarm clock at my bedside table and saw that it was 4:43 pm. Did I just sleep for 18 hours straight? I looked down and saw that I didn't have pajamas on, then I had a flashback to this morning, I actually woke up on time got to work in the morning and was so tired when I got home that I crashed. I remember thinking that I was only going to take a 30 minute nap so I would be ready to go meet Alissa before the game... Oh gosh Alissa!

I reached for my phone and saw that I had 7 missed calls and 23 texts. Crap I was supposed to meet Alissa before the hockey game. Alissa scored us some tickets to the Blackhawks game against the Dallas Stars. I better call her before she decides it's a good idea to call search and rescue to come find me. I quickly called her back and waited for her to answer. Hoping that she wouldn't throw a fit about me being late.

"You little shit!" Was the first thing that I heard Alissa say into the phone.

"Sorry, oh my god I took a nap. I was so tired. " I told her apologetically.

"You have half an hour to meet me at the stadium," was all I heard before I was met with an ongoing beep. She just hung up on me!

I stood up and went over to my closet picking out my outfit quickly and lying it on my bed. I then walked over to my bathroom and hopped in the shower to wash the nap away. Once I was finished I dried myself and put mousse in my brown curly hair deciding I didn't have time to dry it off. I went over to my bed to pull on my outfit. I looked at myself up and down in long mirror that was part of my bathroom door and decided I looked decent. I was wearing some jeans with my Patrick Kane jersey and red chucks. Then I decided to put on some foundation, mascara, and chapstick. Now I'm good to go... wait my purse. I went over to find my purse and put everything I needed in there. I grabbed my car keys and headed out to the United Center hoping it wasn't too packed already.

Wrong, I was wrong. It was full of people all ready, took me 20 minutes just to find parking and another 10 to find Alissa standing by a statue. I could tell she was mad I could practically see the smoke coming out of her, she still looked good thought in her white jeans and her Crawford jersey. I decided it was best to stay in my spot ten feet away from her so the beast wouldn't bite me.

"Oh shut up" Alissa said appearing all of sudden next to me. How did she move so fast? She then reached for my hand and started pulling me to the front doors.

"Wait, did I say that aloud?" I asked.

"Yeah you savage," she replied while cutting people in line, and she called me the savage. I gave an apologetic smile at the young kids we just cut in front just to see them drooling over Alissa. I rolled my eyes, of course. She was always the one getting looked at in that adoring way. We stood in line for a while and walked when the line moved forward until we reached a kind looking old man who scanned our tickets.

"Yes, we're finally inside!" Exclaimed Alissa. Holy crap we're really here! I have been here for 8 years and not once have I gone to one of the Blackhawks games. I've been a fan since I was in high school but I never had time to go to one of their game until now.

"Hurry up Alex! It's about to start!" Alissa said pushing me towards some doors that lead to the arena. I felt my eyes widen as I saw that we were going to the front row.

"Wait Ali, are we really sitting front row?" I asked.

"Yeah but it's not behind the Blackhawks bench," she told me.

"That's perfectly fine with me as long I get to watch Kaner and Captain Serious," I told her patting her back.We got to our seats just when the boys stepped on the ice and started to skate around and do drills.

"Why does Tyler have to be so good looking?" I heard Alissa mumble under her breath. I looked over at her and saw her eyes were directed to the other side of the rink.

"What Tyler? Oh you mean Tyler Seguin from the Dallas Stars. I thought you like Crawford though?" I asked her.

"I do, but it doesn't mea.." She was cutoff by the teens yelling two rows behind us.

"Patrick! Patrick over here! Give us the puck!" They were screaming.

I lifted my eyes from Alissa to see Patrick skating close to us with a puck lying on his stick looking around our section. He smirked at the kids and lifted his stick up to throw it at them. The kids caught it and started screaming like little girls who just met their favorite band member of One Direction. I cheered as Alissa covered her ears. I looked back to where Patrick was and saw that he was staring back at me. I smiled awkwardly and waved. He laughed and skated away. Did he just laugh at me? How rude, I'm mad now.

" Ali did you see what he just did! He laughed at me," I told Alissa glancing at her, her eyes were wide and her mouth was wide open, she didn't even bother looking at me.

"Ew close your mouth Alisndgb.." My voice muffled as Alissa put her palm over my mouth. I frowned at her she then pointed towards the ice. I looked over to the rink and saw Patrick there with another puck lying on his stick. He then waved at me and threw the puck over the boards. I reached for it and caught it I looked back down to mouth a 'thank you' to him. He gave me a thumbs up and skated away.

"Holy crap! He totally likes you!" Alissa said looking like a kid who just got the best Christmas present ever.

"No he doesn't, shut up." I told her. I saw the corners of her mouth turn upward into a sly smirk. I sighed and then I heard the announcers. I smiled the game was going to start.

The game was great the Blackhawks won 6 to 2. Patrick scored a goal in the third period and got two assistance's. I finally got to enjoy Patrick's celly live! Once the game was finished we stayed after until the crowd cleared. After everyone left we went on our way outside.

"Thank you so much today was the best day ever!" I told her as we got outside.

" Yeah yeah, now leave, remember you parked far away," she told me once we reached her car.

"Ugh that's true, let's go out for breakfast tomorrow?" I asked her batting my eyelashes and pouting.

"Yeah let's go, text me the details." She said getting in her car and turning it on.

I hurried over to my car hopping in and turning it on. I drove back to my flat and hit the bed before even taking off my clothes. I was exhausted and needed a good night's sleep.

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