Loving, Maybe?

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(<I feel like this song kinda fits, so please don't hate on me or this song or this story. I'm actually really proud of it, and it feels so different than anything else I've written, but I don't know why. By the way, this is me talking.> {This is me, Matthew, talking.} <Just so you guys don't get confused when you see our comments in the story. Thank you for reading this, and listening to my rambling.>)
England, or sometimes better known as Arthur Kirkland, sat in his chair at the World Conference Meeting, not even listening as America, also known as Alfred F. Jones, babbled about how great his country was, and how he was a big hero. 'Baka.' England thought, as his eyes swept around the room for the umpteenth time. He sighed as he saw France sitting there bored, but staring at him lustfully, as well as China sitting there, not knowing what to do. China had his arms in his lap, just staring at the table with his little woven basket beside him. England averted his gaze away from the Asian, and found his eyes drifting back over to France. When France, or Francis Bonnefey, noticed the Brit looking at him, his flirty smile grew a little wider. They sat across from each other, so the Frenchman could easily reach across the table, offering a rose to Arthur. "Wh-what the bloody hell, you bloody frog?!" Arthur spluttered, trying to be angry with Francis. "What, mon ami?" He asked, his voice a seductive whisper. "Stop being a git, frog." He said, crossing his arms and looking away from France. Anything else the Frenchman said was ignored by Arthur now. Arthur resumed his search of the room. Something he hadn't noticed the last times, was that Russia, or Ivan Braginski, was watching him. Now, granted, he hadn't been watching the Russian before, he had always skipped over Ivan, just because he was scared of the Russian, not that he would ever admit that.
Suddenly, he realized that it was quiet. He looked around, and noticed everyone was looking at one end of the table. There, his little brother who he sometimes called a son, Matthew Williams, the personification of Canada, was standing up, staring them all down. "I think you all should care about each other! You all act like stupid selfish children! I'm glad I'm ignored by you stupid nations!" He yelled, though in reality it wasn't that much louder than when another nation talked at a normal level. He marched out, which caused the rest of them to whisper among each other. ({They deserved it.} <Mattie, hush. Though I have been waiting to write something like this for a while.>)  The other nations kept muttering and rambling to each other; some talking of a "ghost," and others of Canada, standing up, yelling at them, then walking out. Arthur, himself, felt proud of his little brother. Canada had done well, even if England was included in that group of childish nations. Arthur was going to have to find him after the meeting and congratulate the younger. Arthur quickly found himself lost in his thoughts as he gazed at the door that led out of the room. He wished that the meeting would just end. That's when he heard someone's voice call out that the meeting "sucked," which probably meant that America had been the one to declare the meeting terrible. "Let's leave!" The boisterous American declared. There was a loud clattering of chairs and voices as people got up to leave. Arthur sat there for a moment, considering just sitting there and waiting until everyone else had left. He sat there, tapping his finger gently on the tabletop as he waited for at least America to leave. Alfred left the room, and the room was almost empty, according to England's short glances around the room. "Good." He muttered. "I don't want to deal with any of those stupid countries anymore." He looked up from his folder, and was met with a grey coat, along with a pale pinkish-purple scarf. "O-oh! Ivan!" The Brit stammered, hoping the Russian hadn't caught it. But of course he did. "Privet Angliya." He said, looking down at the smaller nation, that was trying hard not to look at him. Arthur was surprised to almost understand what the Russian was saying. Or was it all deduction? Either way, the island nation simply tried to walk past the taller to get to the door. But Ivan simply moved into his way again. "U-uh, Ivan? Could I please leave?" He said, trying to keep his composure to keep Russia happy and not anger him. "Nyet. I need you to come with me." The Russian said, in a pleasant enough voice, but a purple aura was starting to come over Russia. "U-uh..." England went silent, shocked and terrified. "Wh-why?" He said, again trying to muffle his stutter. He hated that it only seemed to appear when he was around the Russian.
Before Arthur could get away and pull away from Ivan, the larger nation grabbed his wrist, causing him to lightly yelp. "I-Ivan!" He yelped, trying to pull his arm out of the strong, viselike grip. "Vat?" The Russian said, his accent coming through, quickly and harshly. The Brit flinched, staring at Russia. Russia turned to look at him, a little bit of concern in his eyes. "Sorry, I did not mean to scare you." He said, giving the Brit a small smile. Arthur couldn't smile back. The Russian turned back and walked towards the exit, Arthur's wrist still trapped in his grip. "I-Ivan! Please!" Arthur half-begged, trying to get the bigger nation to release him so he could flee. Unfortunately, that seemed unlikely. Ivan kept walking, eventually getting outside, and pulling the smaller nation along the asphalt. 'Dammit, today the meeting was in Russia! No one will be able to help me!' Arthur thought, looking around desperately. He saw no other nations; the parking lot was empty. He sighed dejectedly. Ivan kept pulling him, through the snow and ice. Arthur felt lucky for remembering to grab his heavier cloak since it was very cold in Russia. He still shivered, though.
~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Time Skip, because I'm lazy ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~
The pair finally arrived at a huge manor, where Ivan walked up the long driveway. England couldn't help but shiver again. He was being captured by Ivan, and he didn't know of a way out of it. He struggled weakly, because he knew even if he got free, he'd have no clue of how to get out of the winding and confused woods where Ivan lived. Ivan didn't even say anything to the weak struggles of the island nation. He walked Arthur up to the door, and reached for the knob when it opened, revealing a somewhat small, brown-haired, green-eyed male, who quickly moved out of the pair's way. "I am supposing the meeting went well, Mr. Russia?" The male said, giving the Russian a small and nervous smile as he closed the door behind the two. 'Help me, you idiot!' Arthur thought, but then quickly diminished the thought. This boy was obviously brainwashed by Ivan. Arthur felt the last flicker of hope that he had allowed to stay in his body burn away and leave him empty and cold. "I-Ivan?" This perked up the Russian's attention. "Yes, Angliya?" He said, using the blond nation's Russian name again. "Um, wh-what are you planning to do with me?" He asked, which sparked a smile from the Russian, albeit a creepy one. "You will find out soon, da?" The Russian said, suddenly pushing Arthur into the brown-haired boy. "Toris, take Angliya to his room." He commanded, and the boy instantly obeyed, but instead of roughly grabbing his wrist, he took Arthur's hand gently. "Come, Mr. England." He said, giving Arthur a gentle smile. Arthur said nothing, and let himself be dragged upstairs by the boy called Toris. Arthur thought about it, and eventually remembered that Toris was the country of Lithuania. And if he remembered right, Latvia and Estonia should've appeared somewhere in the mansion as well. Lithuania reached the top of the stairs, his hand still in the Brit's. He opened the nearest door, which happened to be right in front of the stairs. "This will be your room." He stated, rather plainly, but as soon as they were both in the room, he quickly shut the door quietly. "Mr. England--" "Just call me Arthur." Arthur said, giving him a small smile, with the little bit of energy he had left. "Okay... Arthur, I want you to know that I'm sorry about Mr. Russia." He said, frowning softly. "You're not completely brainwashed by him?" Arthur asked, a little louder than he meant to. Toris quickly put his free hand over England's mouth. "Of course not," He whispered. "But, I have to act like I am for Mr. Russia to leave me alone." He said, his frown deepening. "You'll see it from Raivis and Eduard." He said, which Arthur quickly realized was Latvia and Estonia. "But I'm sure they'll warm up to you quickly." He confided, smiling at Arthur. England felt himself feeling that flame that had gone out try to spark up, with help from the Lithuanian. "Thank you..." He whispered, but then he noticed Lithuania shudder. As if on a cue, in came Russia, smiling his creepy smile. "Hallo Angliya. How are you doing?" He said, seeming to try to achieve normalcy. This simply sparked England's flame even more, causing him to be angry. "Why are you doing this, you bloody wanker?!" He said, taking a step forward, not even realizing that Lithuania had let go of his hand, probably to protect them both. Russia's smile, if it was even possible, grew wider. "I want you to become one with me." He stated, taking a step forward, which made England backtrack. "What the hell?! No, you bloody wanker!" He said, quickly backing up. "I'm leaving!" He yelled, deciding to run forward, but he didn't know how to get past Russia. That's when he didn't expect Russia to do anything. There seemed to be a genuinely sad look in his eyes. But that quickly disappeared as he bolted forward, grabbing both of England's wrists tightly. "Ah!" England cried out, trying to get himself free. "L-let go of my bloody wrists! That hurts!" He said, fighting to get his wrists free. Ivan said nothing, simply squeezing the Brit's wrists tighter. Suddenly, it seemed that Arthur couldn't feel his wrists anymore. It had gone from pain to numbness quickly. He kept kicking and trying to get away, but there was no sign of it working. It seemed Ivan was going to take Arthur's hands off at the rate he was going. "P-please, Ivan!" Arthur begged. Finally, Ivan let go of Arthur's wrists, and the Brit collapsed onto his knees, gently rubbing his wrists. There was a dark red ring around the beginning of his hand, and then near the bottom of his wrist, where the rest of his arm started. In between this ring, was a dark purplish-black colored bruise. "Y-you... Crazy wanker..." Arthur muttered to himself, rubbing his wrists to try to get feeling back into his wrists. "You are staying, da." It sounded more like a statement than a question to the Brit. He chose to stay silent. "Stay with our... Guest, da, Toris?" Arthur didn't even look up as he heard the command, then watched the Russian's feet walk away and close the door behind them. He frowned, as he gently looked up at Toris, who knelt next to him. "I'm sorry..." He said, taking Arthur's hands, which, at first, caused the Brit to flinch. "Sorry." He apologized again, but Arthur shook his head. "No, I understand. You couldn't help me..." He said, giving the Lithuanian a sad smile. "I wish he would let you go. There are easier countries to go after first..." He muttered the second sentence quieter, but Arthur still caught it. "Wh-what do you mean?" He asked, a little nervously, but trying his best to hide his feelings. Toris looked up from gently wringing the Brit's wrist, with a saddened expression. "He... He wants to control the world..." He muttered, looking down at Arthur's wrist again. "So he chose me first?!" England said, forgetting to be quiet with his shock. The Lithuanian quickly put his hand over Arthur's mouth again. "Ssh.. Sorry..." He said, looking genuinely upset, almost like he was about to cry. Arthur nodded and moved his face, so that he could talk without it being muffled. "I'm sorry..." He apologized, giving Toris a small smile. "Thank you, by the way, I can actually feel a little bit in my left wrist now." Toris looked up again, and smiled sadly. "I'm glad..." He said, before switching wrists. "Ivan needs to be gentle... He can so easily hurt people..." Lithuania said, almost as if he knew more, but was afraid to say anything in front of England. Arthur gave him a confused look. "He's done something like this before?" He asked, frowning softly at the closed door. Toris said nothing, simply choosing to nod. That's when Arthur felt a twinge of pain in his right wrist. "Ow!" He yelped, which caused Toris to look up. "Sorry..." He apologized, but Arthur shook his head. "No! I'd rather feel pain than nothing." He said, wanting to break the shy Lithuanian of his habit of apologizing for everything. "It's not your fault anyhow. I'm glad that you're helping me." He said, smiling at the younger country. Lithuania said nothing, but quickly stood and went to the door. He smiled at Arthur. "I'm going to get you some gauze for your wrists." He said, before opening the door and leaving rather quickly. Arthur frowned as he watched the boy go. 'Do I make him that nervous?' He thought, frowning. But he quickly dismissed the thought as he compared the boy's behavior around him, then around Ivan. Thinking about Ivan made him shudder, similarly to how Toris had shuddered before the Russian had come into Arthur's room. Just as he shuddered, Toris came back in. "Are you cold?" He asked, worriedly. Arthur looked up, and the smile came back. "Oh no, I'm fine." He said, looking down at his wrists. The boy came and sat down next to him, and gestured for his arms. Arthur gladly obliged. The Lithuanian wrapped his new friend's wrists up in gauze in silence. It made things a little awkward, but Toris didn't want to find himself getting in trouble with Mr. Russia just because he was talking to England. 'Of course, there is also the reason of Mr. Russia hurting people... Like me...' But he quickly shook his head, forgetting the thought. He didn't want to upset himself any further. Once Arthur's wrists were wrapped up nicely, Toris got up again, but this time, helped Arthur off the floor as well. Arthur walked over to the bed, and sat down, suddenly feeling exhausted. "Do you need anything else?" Toris asked, standing awkwardly near the door. Arthur sat there for a moment, then shook his head. "Not unless you have an escape route. I'm just tired right now." He weakly joked, then laid down. He heard Toris rustling so,etching in, presumably, a closet, and then he felt a heavy, warm blanket be laid across him. "Thank you." He murmured. Toris came into his line of sight, smiling softly. "You are welcome..." He whispered. "Sleep well. I'll bring you dinner later. If you need anything,I am a room to the right of yours." He said, before turning and going to the doorway. He walked out, clicking the door shut behind him. Before long, Arthur found himself drifting off, and he eventually drifted off.
Toris's POV:
'He's asleep now. Mr. Russia won't bother him while he's sleeping. Poor Arthur... That's never happened to anyone on their first day before. Not even Raivis.' I thought as I walked into Eduard's room. "Raivis, Eduard, where are you two?" I asked, looking around the half-lit room. Eduard looked up from the bed, where he was typing on his laptop. "Oh, hello, Toris." He said, giving a small smile. That's when Raivis peeked around Eduard, with a small frown on his face. "I-Is M-Mr. R-R-Russia with you?" He asked, shaking lightly. I shook my head, giving him a small smile. I came over to the bed, and sat down behind the laptop, so that the two could see me. "So, did you hear what happened between Mr. Russia and Mr. England?" I asked, reverting back to calling him "Mr. England" since Raivis and Eduard didn't know him. Eduard sighed softly, pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. "What happened?" He asked, a hint of fear in his voice, though he hid it well. "Well... Mr. Russia bruised his wrists, but he allowed me to help him." I said, giving both of them a smile. "It's good you were there then." Raivis said, giving me a smile. I smiled back, though I couldn't help thinking of what would've happened if I hadn't been there. "Maybe tomorrow we will see him." Eduard said. I gave him a puzzled look. "He's asleep, isn't he?" He asked, and I nodded. "And you're probably going to take him dinner later, since you know him. But tomorrow, Mr. Russia might want you away from him, so he doesn't get too comfortable." He said, intelligently. "True..." I said, not thinking about the next day. He nodded, then looked at Raivis. "Don't say anything you'll regret in front of Mr. England, okay?" He confirmed with Raivis. Latvia's eyes were huge, but he nodded. "Okay!" He said, faking a smile, but both Eduard and I caught it. It fell right after he spoke. "Well, I suppose we'll see what happens later..." Eduard said, and we all just sat and watched him type on his laptop some more while we waited for Mr. England to wake up, or for Mr. Russia to give us more chores; whichever came first.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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