The Soulless Boy

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Ok he is a boy who is a soulless boy and who barely talks to people, and extremely quiet

(strong silent type)

There's no one who takes care of him... Me maybe mute but he has a strong mind, it's time to know what a human mind thinks about life...

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Prologue : Chapter 1 / Run Away Boy

I heard noises, screeching noises too, that noise came from an ambulance siren. Right after the ambulance I saw police cars, I tried to open my eyes but it was too blurry I can only see bright white lights. I realize I'm in an ambulance van these people in the ambulance van were checking me? I can't move somehow? Was my body paralyzed? But how? And How did I got here? Then it came to me, I was in a shooting accident.

I could remember anything! I panicked. Want to remember how I got here! Then I came to my senses, I need to relax and think though this and remember what happen. I ignored the loud noises and tried to remember what happen to my life. Just now I remember what happen before my eyes shut what a terrible day on my birthday...

"Jason! Come on son it's time to go eat at that restaurant we plan" My wonderful farther shouted in these quiet streets passing china town to this amazing chinesse restaurant to celebrate my birthday.

"Yes father" I replied to him, looking into my fatheer eyes i remember my farther had these amazing emerald green eyes and caus ehe has those eyes i have them too, we almost tlook like people tell us.

"Jason how your birthday going?" Asked my mom, she is an amazing no the most wonderful lady in the world just like my farther. she has amazing wavy brown hair and pure white teeth with that beautiful smile of hers.

"It's going great mom thanks for asking" I said with a bright smile across my face. Both my parents smile at me i love my parents they are always there for you love you and care for you.

"That good cause your the best son I ever had in the world who needs a great birthday" my father smiled and patted my back. i laughed i bet a lot of dads say that about there kids.

"I guess I do father" I smiled and I feel so great inside me I always love feeling this great.

We continue walking down town though china town in a large city with thousands of people. We were heading to a Chinese Restaurant down town to eat there for my birthday. as we were heading there we all smiled together, laugh together and we all look around in this beautiful city where we live I was having the best day of my life. Until coming from around the corner near a chinese movie theathre these people who were inside the theathre came running and screaming shouting, "Someone with a gun someone with a gun!". They were running for there lives.

I look closer to these men with guns, I manage to see what were these men look like. I only saw 7 men dress in black with a mask and a machine guns, those men were shooting and killing innocent people right before my very own eyes. I manage to tell my parents what was going on and my farther decicded that we all should run away too before we lose our lives. I quickly runaway my parents were shock then they run along too. We were all running for our lives with the other citizens but those men were chasing us right after us and they manage to snatch a couple of unhurt citizens and bring them to the men with guns.

I look back just to take a peek until I saw them holding down my parents and tying them up. I run back to my parents quickly as I can tp save them but... I was too late they shot my parents right in the head and I can see them bleeding lot of blood I screamed out "Nooooooo!" that was stupid of me shouting rigth there when there was a man killer man right there. I didn't know want to do know since those people to know who they shoot cause they all took off the masks when they shot the dead people.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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