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*Please comment. I love criticism and would like to hear your thoughts.

I will never be able to say 'my life is normal' without lying, I owe this to my best friend. My eyes flooded with the memory of Monday night.

"Oh, hello." Mom had her flirty voice on, Darren must be on the phone. My mom loved to flirt with my guy friends, but Darren was her favourite. "Darren you're so funny." She gave a girlish laugh and I could imagine her twirling her long blond hair, with her pointer finger as a 16 year old would.

"Mom can I-" I started in a calm voice, but she held up her finger in a movement that meant for me to wait my turn.

I stomped down the hardwood stairs with my black combat boots, making sure to hit each expensive stair with the sharp heel. I marched up and down. Mom gave me a look that could curdle milk. She tossed me the phone and I gave a small courtesy, and walked carefully back up the stairs.

"Yo, Dare." I said, pressing the cold black cordless phone to my ear.

"Hey." A boy that didn't sound at all like my best friend, said in a raspy voice.

"What have you been doing? Smoking? I want in!" I laughed at my joke, but not so much as a chuckle escaped him.

"Um...Kali I have something I need to tell you." I waited for more, "Are you alone."

 I looked at my young mother jamming out to some pop song, on her ipod, that I could hear from here, "pretty much."

"THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH! " I almost dropped the phone, I was so startled by his intensity.

"Okay, take a chill pill." I half ran, towards the ladder to my attic room, "Okay, I'm alone."

A deep breath so loud I could hear it through the phone, "I think I'm turning into a vampire." He waited.

Ever since, we were the loners in grade 1, and were always paired together, in the wimpy projects and games. We had a rule, to our friendship, never laugh at what the other's said, if it's a joke go right ahead, but otherwise NEVER! And neither of us have broken the rule in our 17 years of friendship, and I am determined not to start now.

"Do continue." I said cramming my fist into my mouth to stop from bursting out in laughter.

"Kay, if you're not taking this seriously, then..."

"No, go on, why do you think you are turning into a nocturnal hunter of the night?"

"Well." Basically, he went to a massive party on Sunday night at Ben Roesd house, where he met a beautiful girl, who he flirted with and she flirted right back (when I heard this, jealousy ripped through me, but I ignored it, because seriously, who wants to read about a girl who loves a vampire?)

"Can you come get me?" He said in a pitiful voice.

"Where, are you?"

"Hyde Park in the bushes." I decided to believe him.

In minuets I was in my blue piece of crap car and was floorin' it towards my friend.

"Darren?" I called out, searching the foliage, for him.

"Kali?" The raspy voice from the phone murmured faintly.

Then I saw him, his flaming orange hair wet with sweat and dew, his chest rose and fell, with each shallow breath. On his neck were two circular points, where the 'vampire' must have bitten him. His acne covered face, was paler then usual, and had purple bruises, and his own blood smeared everywhere. My face turned a beet red, as I realize he wasn't wearing any clothes. But still I looked into his pleading blue eyes and knew he needed my help.

"Let's get you too the car." Wrapping my leather jacket around him. I helped him limp to the car.

                                                           *          *           *

I shook head to clear thoughts, turning to Darren, I saw him, sitting in my green bean bag chair as he had million times before but now, looking at me, with his new cat-like eyes, running his tongue over his pointed fangs, and in that moment I knew. His metamorphosis was complete.

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