My Name is Eliza Brook Grace Thompson

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"I have no idea what happened last night," I mumble into my pillow. Let's get one thing straight; I was at a crazy party last night. My head pounds as I make a sad attempt to sit up. I give up and fall back into the pillows. I know that I look like a mess. Last night was wild, I can tell just by how sore I am. All my limbs need to fall off right now. My legs can't move. I need a good massage and a glass of water.

              "MOM, I NEED A GLASS OF WATER!!!" Waiting, I close my eyes. There is no respond. Wow, my head really hurts; I shouldn't have shouted for her. I wait for another five minutes not wanting to do anything; realizing just how bad I smell. You know what they say: the worse you smell the better the party. I hope I didn't do anything stupid, but I most likely did. Who knows what I did... I do crazy things: last year at a senior's party, I think her name was Grace but she graduated, some guy said I held a keg stand for almost a minute. Now that I think about it I can't even really remember anything from that night. That's not good. I get tired of waiting for mi madre. She is no help sometimes. More like a lot of times. Maybe she and Pops went up to Washington DC. Maybe not.

              "Mom, where the frick frack are you?" I whisper. Why does it sound like I'm shouting? Aw shuckles I have a darn hangover. This isn't good. I should probably get an aspirin. Dang it that means I have to get up because no one is answering to my calls of distress. I try my best to stand but I'm hit with a wave of nausea. I stay strong; this isn't the worst hangover I've had. The day after that keg stand record I threw up five times. I still don't know half of the things I did that night.

Okay all I have to do is make it to my bathroom. Just a few steps to the bathroom.  Why do I have to do everything myself? Nausea wraps around my stomach as I stumble to the bathroom. The sick feeling traps me and my head feels light. The pink walls look too bright. Who even decided to paint the walls pink? Oh wait.... God, my eyes can't take the light as I flip it on. I can feel my eyes contracting in the brightness. They ache in the intense light. I'm just so overwhelmed. Once I come to my senses I quickly turn the lights off. I guess I'll have to find the aspirin in the dark. 

Once I can lie back in my bed I check the time on my clock. It reads 5:45 Pm. WHAT?! I slept all day??? I'm lazy... but I already knew that. My stomach growls. Then again. I should probably get some food. Maybe I should order some pizza... yeah that sounds good, really good. Mmm that cheesy goodness, so warm and inviting. I could fantasize about pizza all day. Seriously, I think it's some kind of disorder. Eh whatever. I look around the room for my phone. Nowhere to be seen. I hop off the bed and look underneath it. Not there.... Where could it be? Ugh I probs left it at wherever the party was last night. I have a really bad memory. I'll just ask my friend Bennett. He was with me last night because he knows how to take care of me when I'm drunk. He has diabetes so he can't really drink that much so he is usually my driver.  

Oh right I was going to order pizza. How could I forget? Feeling better, I trot down the wooden stair case and into the kitchen. The air is chilly. Goosebumps force their ways onto my arms. The room feels fresh and clean. I pick up the home phone and dial the number I know by heart. My excitement accelerates when I hear the voice.

"Hello, this is Johnny's New York Style Pizza what would you like to order?"

"I would like the small Hawaiian pizza- actually you know what? Make that a medium please," I smile. I'm definitely eating well tonight.

"Will that be all for you?"

"Yup, thanks." I tell the man on the other side of the line my address and he hangs up after saying thank you. I put the phone back and do a dance around the island counter.  

My name is Eliza Brook Grace ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now