Chapter 1

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7:00am Tori's POV

Tori's alarm had just gone off and she had woken up as her usual cheery self. About a week ago Tori had learned something new about Jade that was surprising to say the least. When Tori was at a sleepover at Cat's house with herself and Jade, much to Jade disgust she had woken up at 3:16am and went to get a drink of water from the kitchen.

When she was heading back to Cat's room she could hear what she thought was Jade talking but to no one else and it was kind of mumbled. When she walked back in Jade and Cat were both asleep much to her surprise because she could have sworn she heard Jade talking. She shrugged it off and went to get back in to her sleeping bag when she heard Jade mumbling again, then it clicked, she realised what she had heard before was Jade sleep talking.

Tori was quite curious as to what Jade would talk about in her sleep. She thought what harm could it do if she listened for a bit? Maybe she would learn something that would help her befriend Jade. So she sat down on her sleeping bag and listened hoping to learn more about Jade. She couldn't quite make out what it was at first she thought she heard something that sounded a bit like whimpering. Then she heard Jade say her name 'Tori' but it was in a tone she had never heard Jade use before and she was a little confused.

Tori was quite surprised that Jade would be dreaming about her she would have never thought that, but if Jade was dreaming about her she thought it must be about an evil prank that she had pulled on her. While Tori was thinking about this she had zoned out and she was brought back to reality when she heard Jade moan. Tori wondered what Jade would be dreaming about to make her moan like that... Only one thought came to mind but she thought there was no way that could be what was going on.

But when she heard Jade say 'Yes! Right there!' followed by another moan she had realised what Jade was dreaming about, she was having a sex dream. Tori wondered whether she should be listening to this when she heard Jade scream her name 'Tori!' and a few seconds later there was a strange smell and she realised Jade had cum. And then it hit her, Jade... was having a sex dream... about... HER!

Back to present time...

What had surprised Tori about that night was that she wasn't nearly as shocked as she had thought she would, sure she was a little shocked but soon changed and she fell a warm feeling in her stomach... she felt happy. She didn't think too much of it at the time because she was quite tired but she had come to realise that she felt happy because she had feelings for Jade.

Once she realised this, she started trying to work out if Jade felt the same. She started paying more attention to Jade and she started to notice that Jade would occasionally look at her with a longing looking her eyes when she thought no one else was watching her. She had also noticed one time that when she accidentally dropped her pencil on the floor and bent over to pick it up, she could feel Jade's eyes on her, Jade was looking at her ass, she smirked to herself. She had started to feel Jade's eyes on her more often, so she decided to do something about it. But she wasn't sure what to do... she needed help.

She thought about who knew Jade the best, she instantly thought about Beck. Now I know what you're thinking, no, Jade was no longer with Beck they had had a mutual break up 2 months ago after realising that they had grown out of their feelings and they had decided just to be friends. Tori considered going to Beck for help, but then decided against it realising that it would be too awkward, so she decided on the next best thing, Cat.

So on Friday Tori asked Cat if they could have a movie day and she said there were some things that she wanted to talk about. Cat squealed and happily agreed.

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