Oh the Games We're Forced to Play

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"Oh Amber!" her voice drains the life out of me drop by drop. "Linlee darling my name is Ember, as in the spark that will ignite the fire that burns your house down!" satisfied with my response I walked back towards my house, glancing back at Linlee to reveal a clearly embarrassed face. On my way, I passed my little sister Amity's school. Despite our two year difference we look strikingly similar. Same green eyes, similar height, weight, and pin straight caramel hair. Amity is 14 and I'm 16. We live in our average house right next to the Ceremony Stadium. But this stadium is not for weddings, birthdays, or parties, it's for our future. Each year they pick two reps from each district, totaling 24, to fight to the death in a new modified arena.

The districts each represent something we lost during the over throw of our government for example District 1 is Peace and District 2 is Love. I'm from district 7, Trust. Usually the victors come from 4 or 12 because they have people who train their whole lives for this even though it's against capitol law. No, the capitol is not a district it is just like modern Washington DC. The children there do not have to fight, they just watch. Tomorrow is the choosing ceremony for the 99th annual games, but for now I can just try to relax and finish up my last homework assignment for the year.

"Ember, I have a call from Ms.Carnhill, did you really threaten to kill Linlee. Again?" my mother said in a shaky voice. "Yes mom, and the next time she calls me Amber, you will be getting a call from the police saying they found her with a knife in her throat." Maybe that was a little too much because my mom quickly finished her apologies and slammed the phone into its holder. But then my mom approached me and gave me a high five and a hug. "That's my girl!" "Uh, mom. I'm a little confused" "Do you honestly think I have sympathy for that crazy annoying teen? Because if you do your so very wrong. Listen Im going to the market ill be back in 30.." "Thanks mom" we shared a laugh and I walked to my room, I had 20 minutes before Amity came home, I had something to show her, something important.

"Amity?!" She responds quickly by rushing to my room her eyes are red, like she's been crying. My gift will have to hold off for now because she can't look like this when the Ceremony is in 24 hours. "What's wrong?" She says nothing she just screams and sobs harder. "Amity I can't help if you don't te" "Ember please! There is nothing you can do to help so I'll be going now." With that she left. My sister never cries she's built strong like me, so there is only one person I can ask. "Mom!" "Dad? OH hey have you seen mom? I need to ask her something" His face comes up from behind his newspaper. They too are red. "Ember please, sit down." "Dad, what's going on?" "Your Mom, she got into an accident and she was rushed to the hospital and it was too late to save her. Amity called the police. She saw the accident on the way home. Drunk driver." I froze. I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't even cry. I could only think about Amity. What she'd seen. Then I turned to my dad who was sobbing. I felt my cheeks, they weren't wet. I needed to go call someone because Amity needs some time to vent.

I shuffled to my room and picked up my phone and called my best friend Peirce. "Peirce? Do you have time to talk it's really important?" "Sure Ember, what's wrong?" "My mom got into an accident and she was killed..." my voice trailed off and that's when it hit me I dropped my phone and curled into a ball sobbing. Peirce must've heard because he was calling my name, but I just hung up. A little later someone knocked on my door; I was too worn to get the door so I told them to come in. Whoever it was sitting next to me cradling me in its arms, I was too lazy to look up; It was probably just my dad. "Ember, when you hung up I felt that I needed to do something because your mom was a mom to me and that makes you my sister and I can't let my sister hurt" It was Peirce. He lives about 20 minutes by car but he was home alone and cant drive. He ran.

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