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Please don't copy my story or any single part of it I am very protective of my things.

"Don't you know that she's like a loner?" I heard Casey Reed say. She's pretty rude surrounded by a couple of assholes with their own foot to high up their asses to actually know anything about anyone. I was sitting alone at lunch like I normally would I'd be teased about my light-orange like hair and my freckles but hey what did they know they're all idiots right? . I might have gotten to close to the edge of the line in the popularity scale out of 590 students in East High I was below the list,like way below almost the 590th and that was bad news. I was to focused on drawing that I didn't notice everyone was gone and it was just me in the whole cafeteria. Staring around at nothing in sight I picked up my stuff and walked off. "Hey dude you bet I can get that girl over there?" "Dude she's like invisible and just straight up creepy why would you want to get with that? " "I don't know she's hot, she's got a body and plus she won't be able to resist this. " I was almost out of the cafeteria when I heard someone call me "Hey hey you." I turned around to see that the most "important" guy in school that had a football scholarship to Harvard for the football team ran up to me . He ran his hand through his curly dark- black hair. "I'm Cole." He said giving me a wide smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him while I lifted an eyebrow "I'm Lila. I know who you are though so don't worry you don't have to introduce yourself. " I said while biting my lip "Okay." He said nervously "I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight ." He asked scratching the back of his head while giving me a crooked smile which is my favorite smile in the world now. I can't believe The Cole Tyrant wants to go out with me , he's dated almost all the girls who he thought was cute. I just took my chances and I put my faith and trust I'm him. There was just something about him that spoke to me . His smile his eyes I got lost in those big blue gorgeous eyes. I swayed side to side and smiled "Yeah sure why not." I said while walking away. I never had experience with guys but I made sure I was not going to screw this up this was my time to shine and show someone that I'm not just a shy quiet girl. I opened the doors to my next class Maths. I haven't been good at math and I don't really plan to listen I'm silent but not smart at all.

I tried to go to my seat without the teacher noticing me. "Micknley,your late let that not happen again." Our Maths teacher Mrs.Marks said . I sat down and that's when everything like gossiping and rumors started and guess who they were about....ME! They act like I'm just some random bitch that they can talk about and I'd be okay with it. I kept my little comment to myself as usual . "OMG,word is that Lila is going out with The Cole Tyrant like who wants that." I heard Casey say while laughing along with her best friend Tiffany who looked at me and rolled her eyes in disgust. Was there something wrong with me was I crazy or lenient to notice what the problem was and how it effected people around me . They felt embarrassed that I'm even near them why do I bother when I can just be by myself. Isn't that enough for me? Is anything enough for me ? Have I gone insane for talking to myself or just being straight up creepy to people. It was not fair to me I am a human being too and what am I to people? A rag doll?Nothing worthless a cut up piece of paper that got crumbled and wouldn't be used. I don't feel comfortable with anyone not even my parents and I try but u can't do what my head is telling me. "Alright class time to go don't forget to do your homework tonight do it or don't I really don't care." Mrs.Marks said while slouching down into her chair sinking down like hot lava. I picked up my stuff and left.

I went to my locker and started to take our my stuff. I saw Cole walk down the halls and I minded my own business. "Hey." I heard a voice say,I got scared and my books fell out of my hand. I looked up to see that it was Cole who said that. I smiled as he leaned down to heal me pick up my books. From the corner of my eye I could see people staring at as but he didn't seem to mind at all. We both got up and he handed me my books. "Thanks, I'm such a clutz sometimes: I said. He smiled and laughed "We'll just have to fix that but I forgot to tell you I'll pick you up at eight tonight , wear something casual." He said then he disappeared into the halls again.

I got home and ran up stairs I took a shower and curled my hair put on my make up . There was one thing I was lacking. Of course my clothes. I put on a black kinda tight dress and some heals with a white sweater. I breathed in and out , I can't screw this date up for my own sake I need to try not to be weird or drive home away in any manner. I waited by doing my how work until I heard a car honking outside. I went to go look and it was him.

I will be writing every other day of each week.

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