Chapter 1: Dear...

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There are 2 types of people in the world, those who have beautiful life and those who have nothing. I, Leanne, have both. I am a billionaire with billions of inheritance from my deceased mother and father. They made sure that I will have a good life before they leave so I can buy and do everything I want, thus I guess that is what you call 'beautiful life'. Everyone says I have everything I could ask for, but they are wrong...totally wrong...because I, Leanna O' Dewsberry, is deaf-mute and alone.

"They are mistaken...because I Have Nothing, Agent X44. Nothing...

Yours Truly,


*Ding Dong*

"There is a letter for you, Madam!", the postman shouted.

Oh someone must be at the front of the door. It's 11:00am, I guess it is the postman. *Opens the door*
I guessed it right, there is another letter from agent x44. He has a weird name, I wonder if he really is an agent or it is just his character name like what you see in blogs.
He writes a letter everyday and there is no day that I have not received a letter from him.
*Opens the letter*

"Dear Leanne,

How have you been? I just received your letter and you seem sad. Do you remember what I wrote on my first letter before? I said that I am here for you and there are many people who cares for you and thinks about you. There are no lonely people in the world, but only those who choose not be happy and create a good story about their life. We have been writing letters with each other since the day of your parents' funeral. From that time when I saw you, you handed me a letter saying you do not have anyone to live with. I promised you that day that I will go to you once I have finished my training here. Do not be sad, I will be there in a few days time and by then, you will have me and we will create good memories. Even then, we will still be writing letters to each other, it will be fun right? I will end my letter here for now. I will not be able to write you a letter for the next few days as I will have some business to do. Make sure you don't let anyone in the house and lock everything. See you soon!

Yours truly,
Agent X44 "

Agent X44, always makes me feel special and he gives me the willpower to continue and to create good story of my life. I really want to see him soon. We met in my funeral's memorial ceremony . He was a young boy who looks tough and serious, but really he has sense of humour. When I saw him, I thought maybe that kid also had problems like me, but he gave me a big smile immediately when I did not respond to his questions. From then he made a promise that he will write a letter everyday, without fail. He definitely did not forget his words.
Well now I wonder when he will come and visit me. I do not know whether he is serious about living with me. It will be awkward writing letter to each other while living under the same roof. *chuckles*

5 days later...

*Sigh* I still have not received a letter from agent x44. I wonder what training he is doing and what business. I miss him.

*Ring ring ring* This is the second time someone called me on my phone. No one knows my number except...?!

*Picks up phone*

"Hello, Leanne. This is agent x44, you must be listening right? I am very sorry for not being able to send you a letter for the past 5 days. I have been so busy lately and at the same time I had training non stop. I cannot get you out of my mind while training, you can call it cheesy but it really motivates me to train hard! By the way, oh wait I forgot something... " *beep beep*

He put down the phone... It is the second time I heard his voice, but this time the grown up version.
*sob sob*


Oh, it must be the letter man, it always comes at 11am. *opens the door*

?! who is he? Huh, I forgot there is no letterman today due to strike!!! Please do not come near me. I have not done anything. You can take everything you want, but please do not kill me! *

Murmuring Loudly* *uwaaah * *crying out loud*

If only I can speak. Please don't come near me!! AAAH!!



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