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The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years. -Audrey Hepburn

"And they lived happily ever after....." A mother's soothing voice rang out amongst the two children laying in their beds, sleeping to their hearts content. Well, one of them anyways, the other child, the youngest of the two, stared at her mother with wide, curious eyes.

"Mother, how can someone live happily with someone so ugly?" Her little voice was barely a whisper and it made the woman sitting in a chair by her bed, smile softly.

"Love isn't about beauty, sweetie. Love is... kind, love is gentle, and love is putting someone else before yourself." The woman, kissed her daughter's cheek. "Sleep now my love. Great things await you in the morning, dream happy thoughts."

The child frowned and sighed. "Mommy?"

The woman, smiled at her daughter. "Yes, my child?"

The child hesitated, before reaching her tiny hand up to her face, where a birthmark, red and purple, stretched from her forehead to the bottom of her chin, was visible upon first glance. The child felt a tear leak from her eye, as she recalled all of the horrible things that she'd been called, and she wondered if anyone could love a beast as ugly as her. "Will anyone ever love me?"

Her mother smiled, a genuine and heartwarming smile, "of course." She kneeled down beside her daughter's bed and placed her hand upon her daughter's heart. "You love not with your head, but with your heart. Kindness can defeat any disability darling, all you have to do is show them what's in you heart and now your outward appearance."

The child looked at her mother and smiled. "It's okay if no one ever loves me mommy, because I still have you, daddy, and sissy to love me."

Her mother smiled and looked over at her other sleeping child, noticing the definite difference between her daughters. One, was scarred from birth, and the other.... The other one was going to be beautiful beyond any recognition. "My two beautiful daughters." She murmured.

The child yawned and curled up on her bed, her tiny hand clasped onto her mothers, whose hand was still upon her heart. "Goodnight mommy."

Her mother's attention focused upon her scarred child once again and she felt a tear slide down her cheek, her heart clenching at the thought of no one loving her."Goodnight my dear." She choked back a sob as she brushed her hair from her child's cheek. "Kindness can defeat any disability. Never forget that my child."

Her mother stood to her feet and left the room that held the two most important things in her life, praying and hoping that she would never regret the words she spoke to her youngest daughter.

Kindness can defeat any disability.

But could it?

Would there ever be anyone in her daughter's lifetime that could love her solely for her inner beauty and not her outer beauty?

A/N: Wow, so I've been off Wattpad for a while, trying to focus my attention on College, and school work, and more schoolwork... D: but it really isn't any excuse...I have been trying to focus all my free time to those two stories that I haven't updated and I'm trying, I really am, it's just hard when I have no inspiration for it. I hope you can all bear with me, and maybe, try this one out for me? It's something I've been holding back for awhile because I don't think anyone will read it, but alas if no one does, I will take it off and continue my frustrated attempts to update, if you guys are still with me.... please vote/comment/fan. Id love to get back on focus with wattpad and maybe this story will do that for me!!

<3 NinaMarie13  

The Wrong Wife: BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now