Maroon Warmth

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Enjoy Mates!

The 104th Trainee Squad had their hand-to-hand combat test today. Eren had been training even more viciously than he normally does, and Annie has taught him a couple of new moves.

They were given ten minutes to warm up before the test. Eren was training with Annie again.

"Alright, come at me with everything you have." Said Annie, readying herself into her signature pose.

"Here I come!" yelled Eren in reply.

He opened with a swift jab, but Annie shifted her body and dodged it. Then, she retaliated with a jab of her own. Eren caught her fist and almost stumbled, for her size she was surprisingly strong. He pulled her in, but she twisted and kicked the back of his knee. Eren fell but he did not let go of her hand, Annie ended up landing on top of him.

"Ah-sorry." Eren apologized. He noticed Mikasa to the right, glaring daggers at Annie. Eren wondered; was she jealous?

"No way, Mikasa wouldn't ever feel that way." Eren thought and slightly shook his head.

Annie also noticed Mikasa and sadistically took her time getting off of Eren, in return she received more glaring from Mikasa, until she turned her head away.

"You managed to get me to the ground, but you didn't lay a scratch on me."

"But I'm getting better. Sooner or later, I might beat you, so watch out." Eren grinned.

Annie couldn't help but smile. She wondered why this boy was the only person who could make her break out into a grin. Maybe she found his childish personality amusing, or maybe it was something else.

Her thought was interrupted by Shadis' voice, "Alright, the hand-to-hand combat test will be administered now! Get your lazy asses over here!"

The trainees quickly shuffled around Shadis. "I will be scoring using a point system; the more direct strikes you land, the more points you receive. If you win, you will stay in the field and battle another opponent until you are beaten. First up, Connie Springer and Jean Kirchstein!"

Connie and Jean made their way out of the crowd and got into position.

"Ready to get pummeled, pipsqueak?" Jean said, with his usual smirk.

"In your dreams, JEEEEN!" Connie was always delighted when he mispronounced Jean's name, much to his annoyance.

"Someone better teach you how to speak!" Jean lunged into an uppercut.

Connie was small, but he was fast. He dodged and caught Jean's arm, then he twisted it.

Jean yelped in pain. Then thrust his body into Connie's, leaving them both wrestling on the ground. Connie rolled away from under him and threw a kick. Jean caught his leg and threw him hard onto the ground.

"Ahh! I yield, I yield." Connie yelled in defeat. Jean stood over him and smirked triumphantly.

"Next, Eren Jaeger!"

"Hell, YEAH!" Eren yelled, he couldn't wait to bring a beating down on Jean.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself. I'll enjoy pummeling you." Jean's smirk widened.

"I'm gonna wipe that smirk off of your face, horse-face."

Jean hated it when he called him that, how did he resemble a horse in any way? "Why you little!" Jean moved first, and threw out a powerful roundhouse kick.

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