1- princess Y/N

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( I am going to warn you, this will have old Timy language, like yonder, and shit like that, you have been warned

The salt sprays onto my soft pail skin. My long amber hair, slowly falling out of its bun. How I wish I could get rid of this long red dress. I start to remember a story my mother told me, about a lord who always wanted to be a pirate, so he convinced his sister to join him in this journey of the ocean.

The mast creaks, and the flag sways.

"Hoist the mail sail, set heading to starboard " (let out the sail, and go forward) the captain says.

"Mistress, it's time to... " I don't hear the rest. I look at my maid.

"What was that chrysalis? " I ask.

"It's time to wake up " she repeats, her voice darkening and her face twisting.

"Mistress, it's time to wake up " I jolt up. "Sorry mistress, did I interrupt a good dream " chrysalis asks, I shake my head.

"No, I'm fine " I say, swinging my legs off the bed.

"Sir Anthony, is here to see you " chrysalis states, I sigh and lift myself of the bed.

The bitter cold instantly greets my feet, as I try to place my slippers on them.

"Is it Sunday today? " I ask, chrysalis nods. "Tell him I'll see him later, I wish to pray first " I say, chrysalis nods and tells one of the maids in training to do it. I step into my wardrobe and place on my undergarments, then corset, then get help from chrysalis to put on my incredibly large and heavy red and black dress. (One on the left)

I step out of my wardrobe. I walk to my mirror and place my mothers red necklace on my neck. My mother had died a long time ago, and I wear the necklace to remember her. After that, I put on some red heels, and then chrysalis does my hair.

"Your hair is simply lovely mistress, if you don't mind me saying " she says, her British accent sweet and refreshing.

"Thank you, and I don't mind, I wish for you to speak your mind " I say, she smirks.

"That sir Anthony is a very nice chap " she says, I freeze.

"Ok that I do mind " I say, she nods and apologises.

Soon my hair is put into a bun, with two long strands hanging down from the bottom.

"You look very pretty mistress " chrysalis says, I giggle.

"Try on a dress if you want, I trust you " I state, which is surprising cause ever since my mother died, I've had a hard time trusting people.

I walk out of my room, only to be greeted by Anthony.

"Sir Anthony, what are you doing here? " I ask, he peels himself off the wall and walks towards me.

"I wish to join you in praying " he answers, holding his hand out. I sigh silently, and place my hand on his, as we walk towards the church.

(Sorry if your not Christian, but in the story you are. It's just most people back then where, and since your royalty your kinda have to be, again sorry, I'm not a... What the word... Anyway I don't really pick on people or bully then because of there religion, it's what they chose, and besides I'm kinda being forced into my religion. Anyway I'm not.... Whatever the word is called, sorry again about the religion. If you want, pretend it's your religion )

Me and Anthony spend most of our time together praying. I only do it because it's what the public excepts, if I could, I'd be in my room either sleeping or reading.

"I shall see you tonight at the ball, princess Y/N " he says, bowing while still holding onto my hand. I curtesy.

"I shan't wait long, my love " I say, a smile on my face. Anthony then pecks my cheek and walks away. I sigh and walk towards my room. If only I did like him, then I wouldn't be so worried, but I don't.

I open my door and see chrysalis wearing a long white dress with light pink sleeves.

"Sorry mistress, miss Valery was trying to stitch it up, and I had to model, honestly " chrysalis try's to defend herself. I smile.

"It's ok, that dress looks better on you then it does on me anyway " I say, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Please help me get ready for the ball " I say, chrysalis nods and slips the dress off, her work clothes
underneath it.

"I shall order a mannequin " Valery says, stepping out of the room.

"What dress do you wish to wear? " chrysalis asks. I pull out my mothers first soirée dress. (one on the right)

It's a simple light orange pink colour, for the sleeves, and the skirt. The corset is a deeper orange colour, with a cream coloured bow tied around the middle. The skirt has a cut up the right side, it's cream and pink coloured. Chrysalis helps me into it.

Afterwards, I leave on my mothers necklace, and put on a pair of white heels.

"God I hate heels " I complain, placing them on my feet.

"Mistress, please don't use that kind of language " chrysalis scolds, I nod. Chrysalis then hands me a golden mask.

"Please, wear this " she asks, I take ahold of it, gently as it might break.

"Oh chrysalis, it's beautiful " I say in astonishment.

"I made it for my sister, but she never got a chance to wear it, so I decided you should, besides, it suits you " she says, holding back tears. I engulf chrysalis in a thankful hug.

"Your one of the reasons I don't run away " I say sweetly, she just paces a hand on my back.


I walk down the staircase. My long dress hiding my white heels. My long hair placed in s bun.

"Y/N, L/N, princess of (random place) " the crier states. I keep a straight face, and continue to walk down the stairs, trying not to fall.

As I accent the staircase, I see a man, he's quite handsome.

This man has short blonde hair, crystal blue eyes. He's wearing a simple black tuxedo, and a golden mask like mine.

"May I have this dance, princess ? " he asks, holding out his hand for me to take. My mind keeps saying no, but I can't stop it, my hand grabs his and before I know it, two words slip out of my mouth.

"You may "

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