Officer Horan Introduction

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I was stuck there, there wasn't anywhere to run or hide. I couldn't even make a sound without someone finding me, let alone a movement. This had been a mindless decision, I had heard sirens, people banging down the door, and I dove into the linen closet. There had been screaming, mainly from my best friend. My boyfriend. But then there had been gunshots, loud bangs, and then a quiet buzz. I knew people were walking around all around me, talking to each other, talking into radios. My body was screaming for medical attention; blood was dripping from my chest onto the floor, the bruises covering my entire body making it hard for me to kneel on the ground. I would've tried to run if I knew where he was. But I didn't recognize any of the voices that were around me. I didn't know what all the loud bangs where, the static, and I didn't know if he was coming back for more. His hands and feet. I recognized the feelings, I knew where they were likely to land, I knew which he was going to use and why. A knife. A kitchen knife being drawn across my stomach, probably about to do so much more damage before the sirens made him stop, a knife I was not used to. I should've just made him dinner. I shouldn't have fallen asleep on the couch.

But I was inside the linen closet now with a bleeding stomach and a nauseous feeling. Things were much quieter and I decided I could definitely peek out now, see if I could stand up and run yet. But there were people dressed in blue swarming the house, talking quickly to each other and rushing around. I planned on shutting the door again, I could certainly wait them out. But he caught my eye from the end of the hallway as he turned around, frowning and speaking into a radio tensely. A younger officer with chocolate brown hair, mixed with some light blonde and quiffed up at the end. The blue collared shirt he was wearing was unbuttoned at the top, revealing the tight white t-shirt underneath. His eyebrows went up, voice cutting off as he shut off the radio and took a step forward, blue eyes studying me carefully and hands shoved deep in his pockets.

Slamming the door shut, I fell back on my heels and held my breath, closing my eyes and wincing as he gently knocked on the door. I ignored him altogether, even as he spoke gently in a thick Irish accent, "Could you open the door please kiddo?"

"N-no, go 'way," I whispered, opening my eyes slightly. "Leave me alone."

There was a second of silence before I could hear a soft sigh and then the door was being tugged open despite my protests. I leaned as far back as I possibly could in the closet, whimpering in the new found exposure. The officer frowned and held out a slim hand, speaking gently, "You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm here to help you lovely."

I shook my head repeatedly, trying to look over the officer's shoulder; looking for my boyfriend. He would be so angry if he saw me talking to another man. The officer was staring straight at me with narrowed eyes, looking angry as he noticed the blood coming from under my shirt. I whimpered, meeting his frustrated gaze but fell silent as he immediately spoke softly, "Please come here sweetheart. I just want to help you, I promise. Those are some nasty cuts you got there and I need to get you some help."

I wanted to protest, I knew better than to ask for help, but there was a dull aching pain across my chest and I doubted I could wait these officers out. Hesitantly taking his outstretched hand, I watched him smile and pull me to my feet, asking softly, "Can you walk?"

I nodded silently, tensing at his next question, "Did he do this to you?" I swallowed roughly but stayed silent, refusing to meet his eyes as he said quietly, "He's not here. He can't hurt you. He won't hurt you anymore. I'm Officer Horan, but please call me Niall. I will never let that man lay a hand on you again."

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