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Drake's P.O.V

I waited patiently for my target to cross their usual path. I could hear his heart beat and smell the blood that rushes through his veins. The scents of the city attacked my nose and the sweet stench of blood wafted through the air.

I took in the scent of his blood and felt my fangs lengthen and enforce their way out but I held them back and readied my gun. I couldn't lose control I had to stay focused. I needed the payment. I could then hear his footsteps getting closer and notched the gun. One shot is all I need. That's all it takes.

Once he was around the corner. A second and he's dead. A straight shot to his chest and straight into his heart. I jumped from the top of the building right next to him. His blood was gushing from his heart, yet I wouldn't leave a trace. I never do.

I could smell his blood and my fangs lengthened and I bent down. I then sank my fangs deep into his neck. His blood gushed from his jugular and flowed into my mouth. I gulped it down feeling it refresh me. I hadn't had blood in a few days and was going crazy with blood lust. I should take better care of my vampire side so that I don't harm anyone that's not my target.

His blood wasn't completely sour but not the best of blood. I have had better, although he was an a positive blood type and I personally never really liked that type. so, I quickly drained his body and disposed of the body. I took out a special elixir I had made and I dropped three drips of it onto the body. The body spewed green smoke and in a minute nothing was there.

My target is demolished. "Target demolished. Payment a go. I'll meet you in ten. Be there with it all or your next." "Okay Drake I'll meet you soon." came the payers response.

I then went to the usual meeting place and he was right on time. we meet at a little café in Paris. That's a while from England but the vampire speed helps a lot. He paid me the usual amount of one hundred thousand, since he had been pretty high up on the chain.

Ah your probably wondering what I am. I am a vampire assassin though I do not look it. I am only 4'11 and has light golden blonde hair that falls in waves to the nape of my neck although most of the time if I don't brush it or just because it feels like it, it becomes really curly and I hate when it happens.

I then have innocent looking light blue eyes that weave with light, sea, and even cobalt blue. They all weave in beautiful shades with streaks of deep green and golden strands. I then have an innocent and small demeanor but that's what makes me dangerous.

I can blend in almost anywhere and no one would suspect me. I'm then trained in karate, martial arts, I can work any type of gun and weapon, basically I know every type of everything. I then can kill you in a split second or torture you to the point of madness.

I also have special powers that I inherited from becoming a vampire. I have the power to track and I know when danger is coming and how to avoid it. Then I can also read minds and will know everything about you with one touch. Your past, present, your likes and dislikes. Just everything.

I then went to my flat and smiled in relief. It was always good to get home after a mission. I then crash on my bed and smiled in content. I always loved my job and I was always paid well. Its always people with revenge and they always pay well to get rid of enemies. I then chuckle deeply and I then felt my body start to relax and I quickly fell asleep.

Yes vampires sleep. We're basically just advanced humans. Even though we drink blood, is stronger, faster, wittier, and has an natural beauty. We eat human food, go out in sunlight, and sleep. So, again we are basically advanced humans but we are way better. Now, I had to get to sleep because I had school tomorrow. And I don't want to deal with the teachers if I fall asleep in class. Again.

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