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*AUTHORS NOTES Okay so before you read I just wanna say that my grammar isn't the best so if I don't have the right punctuation on a sentence then I'm apologizing ahead of time so don't hold it against me also this is my first story that I'm posting on here so let me know what you guys think thanks and enjoy*


"Alix's POV"

I looked up at the clock which read 10:59PM James would be home any minute now. My body still bruised from last nights beatings. My only hope was that tonight he wouldn't come home drunk. I got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of ice water when I heard someone fumbling with the door handle. I walked back through the doorway from the kitchen to the living room with my glass in my hands. The door flung open and James stumbled in. Shit he's drunk. Now I was on alert trying my hardest not to say anything to upset him. James slammed the door and stared at me. He stumbled towards the couch and sat down then pointed to the spot next to him. I quickly walked around the couch and sat beside him. He placed his hand on my left knee and I flinched. He then grabbed me by the throat and threw me onto the floor. He climbed on top of me and pinned my arms to the floor. "Why the fuck did you flinch slut!" He spat those words at me while I struggled against him. He pulled his hand back and slapped me hard. "I'm sorry." He reached back and slapped me again. "You're sorry what!" Tears started to roll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry sir." He got off of me and grabbed my hair pulling me up off the floor then dragging me towards our bedroom. He flung the door up and threw me on the bed collapsing next to me. "I'm going to bed early tonight I had a rough day." James wrapped his arm around me. Tears still rolling down my cheeks I waited for him to fall asleep. I waited for what felt like years until finally I heard him start to snore. I slowly moved his arm and crawled out of bed. I tip toed towards the door grabbing all the money in his wallet and my car keys. I then tip toes towards the front door and slowly pulled it open then closed and locked it behind me. I ran to my car and opened my door. I climbed into my car and shut my door. I put the key into the ignition and turned it starting the car. I quickly pulled out of the driveway and sped off down the road. I called the only person I could think of. She answered on the third ring. "Hello?" I paused for a second collecting my words. "Hey Allie can I spend a couple of days with you?" She replied immediately. "Why Alix what's wrong?" I was quiet for a bit before answering. "I'm tired of that asshole pushing me around! I want out. I'm leaving him and I need a place to stay while I get on my feet. So could I please stay with you Allie it'll only be a couple of days I promise. I heard what sounded like a sigh of relief come from the other end of the phone. Allie knew what James was doing to me and she continuously told me to leave him, but I never did. "Yes Alix you can come stay with me, and you can stay as long as you want. You don't have to leave in a few days you can stay forever if you wanted to." For once I was actually happy for so long I felt like no one cared, but Allie just told me I never had to leave her if I didn't want to leave. "Thanks Allie you don't know how much this means to me. I'll be there in twenty minutes. Cya soon." I hung up the phone and sped towards her house. I stared ahead thinking that this was only the start of another chapter in my life and I'm actually looking forward to this chapter..... I hope.

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